Ladies and Gentlemen and those who are yet to make up your mind

Amidst the quantum of dostana and fashion golmaals, I chanced to watch an extremely amazing, inspired by true life, British comedy. A heartwarming, feel good caper, involving sassy characters from Price’s shoe, Northampton and drag queen’s club, London.

Lola from London, meets- “This is a Charlie from Northampton” and weaves oops shoes sizzle to an otherwise fizzled business. In the meantime, the two outcast members figure out to stand for themselves in the red, thigh high boots and how is a treat to watch.

“Kinky boots” begins with a little Simon dolled up in a girlie garbs, walking alone the pier in a fancy red stilettos, away from the disapproving eyes of his/h [err] father. The screenplay then captures another little boy, growing up with his father in the family shoes business.

Young Charlie Price grows up and inherits a shoe factory from his dying father, only to find that the company is failing badly and he must retrench or revive and quickly. In despair and dilemma to save his company from bankruptcy, accidentally encounters drag queen Lola [the flamboyant, absolute surprising- Chiwetel Ejiofer] and finds an unlikely creative consultant in the cabaret queen who guides him to find his niche business in flashy transvestite shoes, leading to the ramps of Milan. Voila!!! Quite a sentence :-)

In this tale, there is Lauren. Lauren is one of the employee who doesn’t take her lay off easily and fire back at her boss to rather fight the situation than to bury his face in “what can I do” syndrome. Hope some people hear and wake up to this.

And there’s the posh, real estate, greedy fiancĂ©e of Charlie who disapprove to see the greater goods in his dreams and walks away on her Jimmy Choo’.

The story is interestingly pleated. Beginning from Charlie & Lauren; Charlie & Lola; Charlie, Lauren & Lola; Charlie, Lauren, Lola & Union workers; Charlie & Lola again. And the awesome cha-cha climax!!!

It’s Lola’s show all the way! From the terrains of enigmatic lives of transvestites to the reigning kinky boot designer bogeying on ramp of Milan’s shoe show, Lola whip lashes all surprises from her kinky boots, gay and jolly. What Simon couldn’t do, Lola does.

Some of the best scenes also includes Simon aka Lola’ entry to Price’ shoe factory, designing the first niche shoe for transvestites heeled up on durable steel shank and winning over the orthodox union motley. My favorite is the magnanimous ramp romp show by Lola and her angels.

Kinky boots is a pure fun to watch. If kink is a taboo word for you, let me tell you it’s more of an uplifting comedy and provides no real surprises [not even a single scene is as suggestive as the title]. The title shouldn’t deter you from indulging your guffaws out in this movie. Fun & original, it’s a must watch that proves the best way to fit in is to stand out and stand pout truly!!!

Psst: Did anyone said- Early to bed, early to rise. Find your niche market and diversify


  1. "It’s Lola’s show all the way!"...
    Quote unquote.....?????
    Dont be so gender biased yaa....

  2. Hey, watch the movie to say it yourself. Am sure you will agree no less :-)

    PS: Lola's gender is quite a mystery!!!

  3. Wonderful review...wonderful movie too!!!

    Lola was too good.

  4. I saw the movie, a few years back... I am glad you wrote the review for the same...
    Its a fun riot and quite inspiring in an usual way. :)


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