Lights off: Vote for Mother Earth

I am switching off my lights on Earth Hour. Are you?

It is not just me, people from 825+ cities across 80 countries and territories have pledged their support to “Vote Earth” during earth hour 2009. And the number continues to grow!!! And grow manifold.

Earth hour is a unique initiative taken by WWF India [World Wide Fund for Nature] where individuals, business and government turn off their lights for one hour to create support for action against climate changes.

Earth Hour is observed on March 28th 2009 during 8:30 pm to 9:30pm.

It will be observed concurrently in several cities apart from Kolkata, Delhi, Pune, Bangalore and Mumbai. People are encouraged to participate and turn off the lights in their homes, offices and buildings at scheduled date and time.

This is world’ first global election which do not call for age, race and background but gives equal opportunity to all, to come forth and vote.

It is not a black out. While you can keep the very essential lighting on but the urge is to turn off all non essential lights.

Lets welcome this great beginning for a great movement to come. where every single vote counts. It will be presented to world leaders at the global Climatic Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009. This will further be instrumental in determining official government policies to take action against global warming.

Earth hour will also see a lot of iconic buildings and landmark sites dim or switch off their lights during the said hour. In Kolkata, corporate houses like WIPRO, ITC hotels, HDFC, ICICI, Stan chart, HSBC have signed up. Global landmarks as Sphinx & great pyramid of Giza, the Acropolis [Greece], Empire State Building [USA] and PETRONAS towers [Malaysia] will take plunge.

A lot of us may resist wondering if it really makes a difference but to emphasize- every single contribution counts!!! So, what are you waiting for? Come forward and show you care!!!

For more info on participating in the great drive, pl visit


  1. this seems to be a great all for it!

  2. Well, the entire IT sector out here in Kolkata would be logged off during those 60 minutes. Given the fact that IT demands 24 X 7 support, the very fact that all IT companies have pledged to be a part of the initiative, it does bring forth the seriousness of the cause in a big way.

    Just hope that the common man sincerely tries to be a part of it, instead of giving it a miss just because they wanna catch up on their fav soaps on TV.

  3. Thanks CN & Ashutosh

    So, how was the exp, did you tried it out?


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