Kolkata Blogger's Meet - 2009

Dear Fellow Bloggers, esp. the Junta at Kolkata. Our “Shonar Kolkata”, is the host for blogger’s meet 2009.
Venue: CCD; RDB Adlabs Sector V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata
Entry fee: Nil

For further details pl contact:

So, hope to see you there.

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  1. Wish ... I could attend ...thanks for the information though ...

  2. wow...wish they'd hav something like this for Indian bloggers in soton :) ..yu goin?

  3. @Ekta: We will be waiting for you there and thanks for writing about this :)

    We will soon be there :)

    @le embrouille blogueur: We are sorry that we failed to get you guys... But don't worry, you may also have a news by 2010 :)

  4. Oh thanks for informing...will definitely try to be there n meet u'll!!

  5. Lucky you.I have attended two in Delhi and both were excellent experience.

  6. A meet! How nice :-) Enjoy.

  7. wow, i wish me too was present. when is south India bloggers meet?

  8. @ le embrouille

    Welcome...BTW can i know ur real name pl :)

    @ Hary
    hey i m keen n will try my best to go. Do not worry it will be there at ur city too, soon:)

    @ Kamnashish
    You are most welcome and many thanks for conducting it in Kolkata. I shall look forward to be a part of it and do let me know if any further help is required:)

  9. @ Nazish
    That will be Great!

    @ BKC
    Wow, my interest level is doubly increased. Pl do share about ur experience in detail

    @ eye-in-sty-in
    Thanks...wanna join?

    @ Zillion baby
    No idea about the south India bloggers meet. However how much I wish if you could be a part of this event this time. We can meet buddy!

  10. I hope so..and hey thanks for tagging me :) i finally wrote! :) cya

  11. Anonymous29 July

    that should be fun.. i am one of the guest speakers for a blogger meet here.. :P

  12. How wonderful is that..I wish I was there..do take the camera and share the details!!

  13. @ hary
    Hey I read that...couldn't post comment then will do now:)

    @ Chriz
    here bole to? :)

    @ Sujata
    Oh I do not have camera...I am planning to buy one but am stuck with "which one to buy" dilemma:(

  14. btw is the comment thingy on my blog still causing issues...ek baar dekh kar batao mujhe!!!

  15. Want to, but kolkatta is too far!
    btw, you have an award @ my blog

  16. @ CN
    It is still the same...I suggest, you need to change the comment form placement. For this you have to go to your blog "settings", click the "comment" tab and third field will be- "comment form placement"..there you select "pop up window"...I am sure it will make all the difference :)

  17. @ eye-in-sty-in

    Thanks...So, did you like my thanks giving message? :)

    Also, help me to get an interesting desc about my blog...click the webrep site for further info...

  18. When I saw the words Salt Lake City, I jumped with joy for a minute. I travel to Salt Lake City very often. Then, I read it is not SLC, Utah. It is SLC, Kolkatta

  19. most awaited meets ... great to hear that it's finally HERE !!

  20. Yup leon

    So, you coming?

  21. kya yaar ekta....
    mereko bana rahi thi..

    u write good...
    and u get good comments too re...

    ab mat bolna u do not know anything of all this...lols...

    nice meeting u..

    keep in touch..
    tke cre
    b well..

  22. n forgot to mention..
    u have so many fan following too...



  23. @ yogesh

    Kya banaya? aur kyo? Ha haa...mujhe to kuch bhi samajh mein nahi aa raha hai!

    hey i sure will keep in touch...and what you said fan following? kidhar? I did not see you there:)

  24. i'm not there...
    talking about the google friend connect re where u have 51 fans already...hmmm.....

    is time pakka bana rahi hai...



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