A House of Cards

This post is under 3 words Wednesday 3WW CCXCII. The prompt words are-Dignity (self respect), Lacerate (tear or deeply cut) & Ripe (matured & ready to harvest)

His words lacerate through her dignity. She felt deceived, hurt and belittle, all together. “That’s a very rude thing to say and…” she said. “Whatever” He refused to talk and signaled an exit. The bond that should be ripe & strengthen actually seemed like a house of cards, why blame winds, waters or anything else.



  1. Aah! That's a good one!!
    Wonderful take on the t :)heme!

  2. All I can say is you were in a hurry as you wrote this.

  3. More than having any interest in writing 55 Fiction, I just want to figure out why it even exists!
    Unless, of course, the idea is to develop this thought into a full blown short story. I think you should do that - from 55 Fiction to a 1550 Fiction! You should use this nice germ of a plot! Narrate the back story, and what happens next :)

    1. Well...good that it exists, as I love writing them and a lot of time reading them.

      Full blown story needs loads of time (unlike written b y talent bunch like you- how much I loved ur melbourne jhalak dikhla ja wala post :D) and keen interest which I seem to have lost...55 fiction comes easier at times n easy to read esp for lazy ppl like me!

      Narrate the back story? aha.....thoda personal hai, some other time? :)

  4. Very well written. Sentence structure is perfect.

  5. wonderful words...implies so much...of things gone wrong...really wrong!!


    1. Many thanks Sushmita...things go wrong when we want to ...blaming water wind etc makes no sense:)

  6. Short, crisp and hard hitting!

  7. You have used the words beautifully in this story ... though short, it packs a lot of punch !!!


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