...And the world was silent again

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 35; the thirty-fifth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is "...and the world was silent again"

Little Sia did not comprehend what is the “puhky” thing going in her little stomach. She asked her mother several times but Pushpa, busy in her own chores didn’t seem to pay much heed to it. Sia as usual would be using excuse to not go to school, she thought.
“Sia” she said, packing her tiffin box in her school bag. “No more excuses. Here’s your bag, school bus would be coming anytime soon.
Sia picked her bag and left half heartedly.
It was 6’0 clock in the evening and Sia didn’t returned back from the park she went to play. Furtive Pushpa and her husband searched for everywhere. From the park to homes of all her friends, they searched but in vain. They went to police station and lodged a complaint for missing Sia. Next morning police took them to the park to identify a girl they found there. It was Sia, drapped in a while cloth.
Someone abducted her while she was playing with her friends, raped, killed and thrown her in park.
Her story was highlighted in a section of newspaper and soon buried under archives. Police couldn’t find the rapist.
Sapna, as her name suggested, was full of dreams. Dreams in her eyes, she wanted to conquer the world. She was a bright student, single focused on building a career and living with pride. She selected as a cadet in her college and was given scholarship to continue her studies.
Every morning she used to walk to her college. Dinesh, a hooligan with his friends often used to tease her on her way up and down. She would often ignore them, their dirty offers and subsequent dirty remarks and move her way. First politely and then she told them strictly to not disturb her anymore as she is not their types and wanted to stay away from them. The hooligan didn't stopped and caught her by his hands and asked to love him. She slapped and ran away scared.
One night when she was sleeping, they come to her house and thrown acid on her which badly bruised her face and body.
Sapna is still struggling to get back to normal and her poor father in spite of all his efforts, still struggling to get her justice.
Her story became headlines on few news channel and timelines on Facebook. There were online petitions signed on her name too. A very little happened to Sapna. Her’ dreams stood broken and she is waiting for acceptance of her plea for death.

Sana, in her bridal finery couldn't stop blushing. She turned her gaze to admire her husband who returned an admiring look on his face. “You are the prettiest bride I have ever seen” he said to her. Sana couldn't contain the joy in her heart and went red with blush.

Sajid was a very romantic husband and he couldn't leave Sana aloof even for a moment. Soon after her wedding, Sana moved with her in laws. They were quite fond of her and insisted she take the responsibility of whole house including cooking. Soon their love translated into demands and demands into cruelties. Sajid use to stay mum. Sana silently suffered everything but one day her patience gave up and she shot back at her mother in law. That night was most gruesome for her. She was beaten black and blue by Sajid and left locked in room unless she seeks forgiveness from his mother. Helpless Sana went to her, bent on her knees and said sorry. The chronicles of torture just accelerated from there. She has become a full time servant in the house during days and slave to her husband during nights. Every time the family wanted to have a new car or jewelry or any gadget, Sana’s parents were used as ATM cards. She protested but ended up getting beaten. Soon Sajid withdrew from her and often used to stay out at nights.
One morning, neighbors heard a strange sound of explosion from Sana’s house. Sana was burnt dead explosion.
People spoke about her for few days, gossiped that her in laws killed her and her husband was having another house with a wife at other side of town. Memories fade and stories died. The world soon forgot who Sana was.

Sushma wanted to bring reform in her tiny little village. She wanted to bring women empowerment by providing better education for girl child. She fought against female infanticide and dowry in society. The owners of society out casted her. They called her names and her daughter illegitimate. Sushma’s husband left her for other women. She was from the lower strata of society and education was her best weapon. She sent her daughter Sampada to big city for a better education. One evening when Sampada was getting back to her hostel, she was kidnapped by few rich guys on road and was raped by them in the moving car and was thrown out to die.
Sushma risked all that she had to get her best education and seeing her daughter in such condition, stabbed her heart with a hot iron sword. She went around asking for help but no one listened to her. They blamed Sampada for wearing jeans, they blamed Sushma too. They said like mother, like daughter. They blamed why she was out of her house. Sampada’ college canceled her seat to avoid any controversy to their name and Sushma out casted from the village.
Their story too came in news for few days.

…and the world was silent again

Daily one Sia or Sampada is being raped/ molested, one Sapna is being tortured or a Sana is burnt dead but we chose to stay silent. Yes, we are scared and we are thus silent. What should we blame more- Silence or scare or being silent scaring a scar? Pl save all Sia, Sampada and Sana around.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By: Self, Participation Count: 04


  1. such a dismal state of affairs in our society... when will we stop blaming the victim and focus of the perps instead

    1. Yes. We truly need Ravans who do not touch "parayi stree" even though they kidnap her.

      Today's Ravan blame a women for getting raped. Who says even a well clad girl do not get raped? Most of the girls who got raped were well clad and well behaved.

  2. Very heartfelt and timely post! Inspite of public outrage it is not stopping. This kind of protests and outbursts we are seeing make me ask, if everybody is against it who is committing the crime!!

    1. Yes..it always the victim who is blamed for the injury. how silly. I see public rage now getting settled. That's why- the world is silent again.

  3. Your post has brought out the apathy well Ekta...
    Its time we stopped the blame-game and took serious steps towards enforcing the laws that are in place and send out a strong message that justice prevails not at the very end when it all but becomes meaningless. Instead such trials should be fast-tracked. Further beginning in every home, attitude of both men and women needs to be changed, its not ok to inflict hurt and its not ok to suffer in silence.

    1. Thanks Reshma. I wanted to ask all those people who blame women for the crime and even those women who does the shameless statement as well- when it comes to child rape, kids of all age getting raped. I want to ask what did these little kids have done to entice people to rape them?

      You r correct, attitude of men and women needs to be changed but before that strict punishment for proven criminals is required.

  4. Anonymous09 January

    You send out a strong message with stories that happen around us, yet we get 'used to'. Perhaps the recent incident was a wake up call for our sleeping conscious that prefers to remain silent and act ignorant. Its time the silence is given a voice, as strong one.

    1. Yes, I agree with you. However I now see the entire episode fading away. How much I wish our courts and govt to punish these victims ASAP.

  5. Nice reality piece. Well-written.

  6. What should I say. Things happen and the world stays silent. well written, touching indeed.

    1. Thanks Factfiction. The world should start speaking out...being silent is being weak.

  7. It is good that people nowadays are speaking about it instead of these issues being swept under the carpet. When will these end I do not know, but I have high hopes for this generation that they will bring change into their household as well as on the streets.

    1. Thanks Sandeep. I believe we r just talking and talking while still a lot of rapes are being committed on daily basis aging gals from 3yrs old to 50yrs and so on.

      Yes I too wonder when will these all stop? Are we getting video surveillance implemented in India? If yes to what extent?

  8. A sad state of affairs...very convincingly put forth..!

    1. Yeah. Wonder where the women's world heading and why r we taking it lying low?

  9. Anonymous10 January

    I'm not silent, and I don't intend to be. We will change this.

    1. Thanks but how and when? Read this- http://www.ndtv.com/article/cities/fast-track-nine-day-trial-rapist-gets-10-years-in-jail-315823?pfrom=home-lateststories

  10. we are looking for a radical change, true, but when will our society change for better? a big question mark for so long.. but still the world is silent again with no answers... well written, Ekta..

    1. Thanks rat...We need to come forth and do something about it. Expecting Goct to do it wont help us. I really liked when ppl esp girls did all that candle march.

  11. Very nice, simple, to the point, and easy to understand.

    Your post's like any given day's newspaper. So many of our women are suffering in this country. Need a major mindset change.

    1. Thanks Kshitiz.

      Yes,I just reiterated a small glimpse of what' happening everyday. A lot of which is not covered in newspapers as well as people hide it in fear of social ostracism.

  12. Change can't be given, it must be brought over! We all must bring over the change! Let us hope that we stop being inactive against these sordid people!

    1. Yes...every one is eagerly waiting for the good change to come. But we are not ready for anymore cost. We have bled enough.

  13. Gun down the human rights activists who claim that rapists should not be hanged first. These are the people with too much money and live lives affluently from the realities of life and give reactions on tv channels. Will they have the same reaction if it happened to their daughter or sister?

    1. Very much agree. People just talk rubbish blaming victims. Big people with money easily buy law as commodity.

  14. Strong message D! Such things happen in every corner of our country,everyday but news like Damini's highlight it.Its sad that such things happen in our country and we can't do anything.Good one!

    1. Thanks TSW. I wish if we, the people of India and if no on else, all bloggers could beat those criminals somehow. Its really sad to see the justice delayed and all the stupid pleas of defense lawyers. How can they argue in first place?

  15. A post with strong message. We need to change this situation for better!

    1. Yes. There is something that we must do. How about making a writer's guild and sending messages to govt on all these?


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