Shopping-nomics 2030

It's year 2030 and eBay has dominated the entire e-commerce with most innovative, qualitative and wide range of products with Value for Money proposition.

A look at the product categories it read-

Categories in year 2013- Yawn
Categories in 2030
Today I am online to shop for a new leg. My existing leg started wearing off and I needed something so wrinkle free that I ordered- Anti-ageing solutions- new eg from e-bay.

They say it's free delivery within 30 minutes anywhere. Yup if my pizza can come in that time, why  not eBay deliveries.

The next category read- Husbands on sale. I throw a look and found out that Gauri Khan for the nth no of time had refreshed her ad wherein she is offering her legendary husband on sale. The online auctions looks cool and ambitious.

There was this new category introduced called "Shop a new skin online". yes shopping for cosmetics has become a thing of past and the new tech aims at replacing entire nose/lips with new ones including new skins for it's easier done that demanded.

The market has reached its full prize aka demand and price with supply.


  1. You started on a different note but should have continued it a little more. It seemed fairly abrupt ending.

  2. Hey Ekta! Just loved your post :D Short and smart is what i love! :)

  3. Well written! Good luck Ekta! :)

  4. Haha! Good one! All the best gal!

  5. 'Thats it?' is what I actually said aloud as I read your post. was expecting much much more here...

    Arvind Passey

  6. Hey Ekta, nicely written, but does it end abruptly? Or is it just me? :)

  7. hii ektaji...sorry i was away for sometime...been to chennai...nice to be back here..will stay connected best :)

  8. Anonymous17 September

    Hahaha..Nice Read..Good Luck for the contest.. :)

  9. all the best for the contest :) short and crisp.

  10. Anonymous26 September

    very innovative ..nice work..:-D

  11. Loved the idea of the husbands for sale


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