Apartment to Let

"To Let" or to "Not Let"
the question evaded mind
troubled, till it got,
the answers it sought to find

The place that once bustle
hay, in its own time
made it difficult to let go
To let go was not in design
"to let" it out was an expression
that suited the purpose and deemed kind

Now the apartment is let for rent
lets talk about it structure and paint
lets entice some buyers
lets invite suitable tenant

Its windows told me a tale
tale of sleepless night
when there was only moon in sight
and loneliness prevailed

it stairs goes up right
built between a narrow passage
they takes stairs of flight
and fright, the one who is scared to climb
climb the vertical heights

Robert Sullivan lived above
he sold bicycles throughout
still his repair may not interfere
you can pull your drape and sleep sound

The "To let" said a rusted story
Resting in a rusted terrains
The rusted board stood still
it battled many rains

and suffered many winds
it told the whole saga in three simple words
it is not early if not too late
dust and corrosion made it fret

here stood a build of brick and mortar
with white blinds and corroded bars
The rusted board that stood still
It said- Apartment To Let!
Go for the kill!

Once upon a Hollywood studio
majestic, giant, of glamorous portfolio
Productions sank
profits tanked
The building needs to salvage
all the mortgage to bank

It was my abode, my dear
close to my heart, very near
before my financial lunacy beget
I will advertise it in open market
It is my apartment and
it is "Apartment to Let".

Universal Studios Lot, Instagram by sessepien 
I have written this poem on the picture prompt as given by my beloved writing group- Magpie Tales. This blog is a sole art of creative writing and free thinking wherein I explore many patterns of "creative writing" which is not just limited to humorous posts but poems, stories, songs, Haiku, review, cinema etc unlike the usual so called "creative writing" categories. It is sad to see how creative people/ groups fail to understand the length and breadth of creative writing and categorize them in to what is seen on first page. well life is series of archive indeed:) Love to challenge myself with new forms like Haiku. If you have more creative format, do let me know. I would love to experiment.
If you liked my post, disliked it even, do feel free to drop your comments here....


  1. Thank you for reading my instant poem... Do let me know if there's a particular part of it that touched your heart and if yes, which one. Appreciate your feedback. Helps me to become a better writer for my readers :)

  2. It was my abode, my dear
    close to my heart, very near

    Loved these lines and also the way you have woven your memories around the apartment. :)

  3. Very creative. Loved the poem. Especially the lines "Its windows told me a tale
    tale of sleepless night".

  4. Its windows told me a tale
    tale of sleepless night
    when there was only moon in sight
    and loneliness prevailed

    reminds me of my first apartment and watching the moon-- a very powerful and beautiful piece. I like it!

  5. A challenge to explore the mind with a prompt. Love the way your thoughts converged in the poem, Ekta!

  6. I liked the last paragraph. Nice one Ekta.
    For me its very difficult to say anything, becoz its a v nice poem.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Written with so much care. I liked how it rhymed perfectly at few lines... that adds up to joy of reading a poem. The lines I liked the most are -

    "The place that once bustle
    hay, in its own time
    made it difficult to let go
    To let go was not in design"

    It's not easy to write with so ease and beauty when you've something very crisp to express. :) It was awesome to read this.

  9. Nice poem Ekta...you won my vote here :)
    The image and poem complement each other ...and you make me realize that I need to pen down a poem soon :)

  10. The last paragraph is the highlight of this poem and a perfect way to conclude too.
    Loved the flow of words Ekta! :)
    Wonderful take on the prompt.....Your lines truly compliment the lovely pic. :) :)


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