The Page Will Turn

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 46; the forty-sixth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Courtesy; Magpie tale

This chair has wings of vulture,
laden with ladles all over
Ladles that adds nothing to beauty
ladles laden with heavy bureaucracy

Behind the ladles, middle the seat
lies a device, if you can see

The eye that sees via it's "circle"
an invisible mouth that do not speak
but daggers the tongue behind the wings
The wings of Vulture

The wings should set you free
The chair needs to reinvent
itself and the entire nation

awake and await
The page will turn
A new Page will turn

Nepotism and Red tap-ism
need to be clipped
they encroach like the vulture's wing
gulps, usurps and swings

The voices have began to emerge
and chair would need to change
Let the freedom
finally beget
let this nation celebrate

The page will turn soon
Politics need to change its face
The powerful chair needs a haul
it needs renewal & upgrade.

let God set this sail.
O' rays of light, dawn upon my nation
Give my country a new hope of dawn
a new sunshine, glory & jubilation

[This year, in all its likelihood, a page will turn in the book of Indian politics. The downfall of Congress, or rise of Common Man AKA AAM Aadmi Party [AAP] or BJP gaining momentum with it's #Abki baar Modi Sarkar campaign will see a more flourishing space in politics, winning more seats. Time will tell. All I pray, my dear lord, let my nation stay awake.]
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: XX


  1. God one Ekta. Lets all hope that the power goes to hands which can bring the much needed change.

  2. amen sister- I took the same path as you.

  3. The page will turn and let the new dawn begin.


  4. leaders might change but not the policy...politicians are birds of a feather...lets hope for the best...nice take on the prompt :)

  5. Amen to this thought, Ekta.

  6. Thanks for lambasting the zeitgeist ...

  7. Great job! We could use a ray of light and a little hope thrown in, too.

  8. I liked the message you gave through the about to turning page :)
    All the best!

  9. whosoever win this election,the larger voter turnout is a victory in itself for Indian democracy.

    The Page Will Turn

  10. Yes the page will turn. The number and the enthusiasm of the people voting is heartening.

  11. Amen Ekta! The page will turn. Keep writing for BAT!

    Someone is Special

  12. I can see voices for change to make this great nation shine, O' my country folks, rise against nepotism and corruption so that each men and women live with dignity. Brilliantly woven, Ekta and ur words evoke a patriotic fervor.
    Can't help myself to say, Jai Hind.

  13. Beautifully written...


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