Technology on the Move #TimeToTransform

Swimming with Piranhas, makes me hungry
I am a Telecom Professional and am in business of making technologies a "translated in to reality, dream" for every Indian. You may wonder how? No, no I am no Bill Gates who creates "windows" to the computing world but I am a product manager cum solution architect who has been working in a sector that builds and facilitates Internet and telephony. What Businesses, what housewives and what layman and student. Everyone is latched to data/Internet n needs it on the go, more the merrier.

From ABCD i.e. Aaya, bai, Carpenter, driver to Large corporate, vouch by telecom. If Internet does not work for an hour, half the generation starts feeling disabled, having hands to pick the food but no food for "data snacking". Same thing happens when your device goes out of service even though fir few hours or if you are travelling and cannot carry your devices as they are heavy to carry. After all, telecom provides Internet and Voice to every one this country, wiring the metros to remote villages, understanding and translating their needs via plugging their smart devices with essential life and blood i.e. voice and data. And my tryst with it taught me that how India loves its computing devices and how every one is 'attached' to them, on the move, on the go.

This realization makes me humble. I am humbled by the new age innovations that is hitting in the market every day, every hour and with change in every binary, processor and perceived translated benefit that reaches to end user. I am in business of wiring networks rather I must say wiring lives and how certain devices have changed human's need, drastically from what was never thought before to what is being available today.

Smart devices swims the water for me and ensure that I must swim with Piranhas to kindle my own appetite. 

I am hooked on to the technology
Earlier, my mornings will start with hands folded in soft prayer but nowadays, before my morning could start, my hands will look out for my smart devices like cellphone and tablets and my laptop. I may leave hungry from my home but men, I would not dare to step out without a fully fed [read battery charged] computing device. I am a technology freak! I love to explore different things that my phone, laptop, my tablet can do. And you know the best thing about this relation? The more I use, the more attached I get. Some call it addiction but I call it necessity.

What keeps me hooked?
Well is no single thing. From games to photo apps to messaging to browsing, to organizing and yes off course, blogging! Did I missed saying- staying updated on current affairs and catching up with friends who stay home n abroad. 

I am a blogger and love browsing the world wide web. If I am not ticking tocking my device for my office mails, escalations, team communications, I am rather trying out a new handset, reviewing a new tablets using self experience mode, playing games like Temple run [Ah they are such a good time pass when u r travelling], clicking images for my instagram and least, listening music.

I am a Telecommuter. I do not commute with out my smart device. Sometime I carry 3 with me. No no..I am not part of network experience team but these days I am managing VIP and High Value customers for my company which includes film celebrities, designers, industrialist, astrologers, politicians, sportsmen, bankers and many more. Some of them are mothers, wives, public figures, fathers, sons, career woman, home makers, star wives and with each if them and the roles they play, I play the similar roles for others and self.

Often I am device evangelist for my friends, colleagues helping them with right devices for their needs and upgrades, then why not use that skill and extend to my clientele? And to do that, I must keep tab on new products in markets, new apps, new gadgets.

ASUS Transformer T100
So my passion for new device, brought me to ASUS T100. It reads - a 2 in 1 Ultra portable laptop with 10 inch tablet. 

That indeed caught my fancy and gave me some ideas.

So basically it is a laptop cum tablet, read "Handy" and "on the go" device that a lot of us have been looking for, from so long. Yup we all are "laptop stacaoting" generation. We do not believe in hurling Machine guns but computers that folded in to laptops, which further envisaged into tablets, note pads and smart devices of all kind. We are basically nerds who are so much in awe of technology, computing devices and off course "Internet Frenzy". And we love being such nerds.

The Nerd and their confused excuses
Being Nerd is the syndrome wherein you found yourself, forever hooked to your phone or laptop or both. So much to do and so little time you see. And we nerds hate being kept away from our life support, off course second to Oxygen, Our computing devices. How much can we carry them with us but Alas, they are bulky.

Excuse no 2: All my data is saved on my laptop, now I cannot keep transferring them to my tablet whole time.

Excuse no 3: I hate small screens of cellphones. I so much love my laptops but they are bulky. [not again sic]

Excuse no 4: I like Tablets but sometime I wish they come with real Qwerty keyboards. I mean how long can you type using touchscreen? Why to buy additional docking station? Ahh too many additional gadgets. I am better off my laptop.

Excuse no 5: I am confused that whether I shall go for a new laptop or a new tablet? Laptop or a tablet? Gosh I wish, I had both.

Sigh they are the common dilemma that a usual buyer goes through. And it is not as simple as it sounds.

Generation, it is #timetotransform and switch to a device that is a convergence of both. Introducing- ASUS Transformer T100.

"It is a laptop, err it is a bird"
uttered the "superwoman" of Y2K world
Whatever, I call it my "Transformer"
one the move

A transformer T100 can do so many thing
from managing offices to personal flings.
Dinner dates at POpTates
Oh, I need to send my codes to Bill Gates

Searching new jobs and filing applications
breaking "Candy Crush" and watering my Farmville Plantation
detach the tablet from laptop, remove
I an do everything on the move.

I can travel with it anywhere
powerful battery backs it there
Superior performance, extraordinary experience
proof that powerful things come in small appearance

It is so jazzy, it so cool
It makes me feel wonderful
A whole new looks that turns the head
with AtomTM processor upto 2.3 Gigahertz

10 inch screen, makes for wonderful viewing
for 32,000 it is my personal screen
Light, sound, camera and action
it records it all in seconds n fractions

I can even take it to kitchen
to sing via cooking with Whitney Houston
YouTube Videos on the move
On new Zumba steps, my family grooves

Gaming is such an essential
my ASUS experience is far differential
Its so simple to use
even my momma gets amuse

She pulls it closer
and voice search on google
to look for Tarla Dalal recipes
and how to make candles.

my learning and development in my hand
I can read that new book before it hits the market stand
Business meeting were never so much fun
My laplet [laptop + tablet] supports me on the run

What Shahrukh needs a new connection?
and kapoor wants a new plan upgradation?
I am in move, still no worry
my ASUS will approve all your service query

I can take it with me to shop
Its my perfect companion in mall hop.
I try an outfit and share with my friends
they suggests the better onlookers and we set the trend.

Blogging has never been so easy
my hands are full and
I Love being so busy!

Friends n folks, stop being careworn
Pick up a ASUS T101 and Transform!

So guys I think it is #TimeToTransform and am going to be part of this "Digital Revolution". How about you? Join me today, cause it is #TimeToTransform

This post is an original content written for Indiblogger and ASUS Transformer Book T100 contest- #TimeToTransform. To know more about this incredible detachable laptop cum tablet fro ASUS, do visit the site- or click this link- ASUS Transformer T100

Any form of duplication or plagiarism without author's consent, is strictly condemned.


  1. I used those magnets for my post, too! Kuch toh kam aya :P

    Loved the poem and I enjoyed a good chuckle on ABCD. All the best Ekta!

    1. He hee.. They are good for nothing... I have told Jabong about it..but no revert...I thought lemme put some use to them before throwing...lolz..

  2. Love the write up Ekta and makes for a compelling feature read. I'm sure many would buy ASUS. I got both an Ipad and lap top but the latter has many importance. The world is too small to run away from tech:)

    1. True...its a tech tech world my friend...every thing is tech here- technology or Technic :)

  3. Another engaging read from the Khetan stables. :-) Nice poem. And you work in the telecom sector, huh? So you're one of those who create the product plans of internet and talk time rates that keep me forever confused? :-D He he. Jokes apart, all the best for the contest.

    1. Haha Thanks Rahul.. I work in telecom and was once part of team creating the plan but they were not as complicated n customer friendly. May be you should ask your operator to help u understand the plan better. Or you can mail them to me if you are a airtel user :)

  4. All the best Ekta.It was an engaging post - specially the rhyming words.All the best

    1. Thanks Ankita.
      Its been long since I heard from you. Thanks for writing in.

  5. Quite an elaborate and creative post.. All the best for the contest Ekta..

    1. Thanks Preethi. I hope to win :)

  6. One blog which I look forward every time you publish a new post. Excellent one. All the best Ekta.

    1. Thanks so much Krishna..That is really nice of you. Trust me, it takes a lot to appreciate someone openly and one only with good heart and clear mind can do that! Your support motivates me.

  7. "NumeroUnity" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

    1. That is really sweet of you. Thank you so much!

  8. Best fo luck for the contest! May you win!

  9. That sketch you drew of those twin girls was innovative....

    1. Thanks it is not a sketch though but a wasted gift that I felt like using here..its a picture that I twisted a little and added my own stuffs to it :)

  10. Wish you all the best for this contest. I liked the new word LapLet and I think ASUS should use it to promote their ASUS T100 - Laplet. (Only after your permission :-), cause you have named it.)

    Have a nice day.

    1. Yeah.. It is my patent and I must use this... I created another patent name for a clothing company also. May be it is a good thing to do :) Glad that you noticed my effort Pravin :)

  11. Quite an engaging read. loved your poem.. as usual its a superb post from you. all the very best, Ekta :)

    1. Thanks Meera..thank u buddy and welcome back :)

  12. Love your rhyming, and the way you elaborated the features in a poetic fashion ... brilliant :-)

    All the best for the contest (y)

    1. :) I am glad u liked it Greenspeck!

  13. Ekta.. I am not a tech savvy person.. yet spend all my time on my laptop to participate in debates on LinkedIn... to write my Haiku and Poems andto be occasionally on FB.., or to write emails and many a time for watching movies and serials.. Reading your nice write tempts me to learn a little more as the world shall belong to the already does but then we are as yet tolerated.. like my blackberry doesn't have an internet or whats-app..

    I congratulate you for the recognition you have got as a writer.. excellent.. God bless you with many more achievements. do visit my page sometimes.. thinking minds like you do inspire to write more..


    1. That is indeed very magnanimous for you to say sir. I have been to your blogs and liked your poetry too..I shall keeping visiting.

      Thank you for dropping in and leaving this beautiful message.


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