Chapter of that Book

“We loose ourselves in books, we find ourselves there too” 

We opened our eyes
and to surprise, found a new world around
shocked and astound
about the life so new-found
Well it was "chapter of that book"
which we call birth and infancy.

Footloose and fancy-free
running behind butterflies
savoring candy, cola and innocence.
"Childhood" was the "chapter of that book"

Books and music and beyond
discovering hobbies, making friends
incubating new hormones and battling fads and trends
we sailed through that phase
"Chapter of that book" was Teenage
where we felt like birds waiting to be un-caged.

with education we found new wings
and new melodies that heart could sing
where everything was bright and colorful.
"youth" was next chapter of that book
before "mid-age" could set in to sting.

Now we are all grown
Wonder where all those dreams have gone
Life has stood on a crossroad
and on this juncture we find ourselves alone
The world continues to move.
But we have stopped running the maze.
Guess this is the "old age"
"Chapter of that book"
which we call life.

Life is indeed a book
where we loose ourselves in
and find ourselves there too.


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. True poet.

    Throw few words at them...they will amaze you by placing it around beautiful rhymes.

    Truly WOW post.

    1. That is indeed very flattering and motivating remark buddy. Thank you :)

  2. Beautifully written :)
    So poetic and vivid!

  3. Lovely Ekta, super use of words :)

  4. Beautiful lines ... deep and meaningful ... yes, life surely is a book :-)


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