Murder She Wrote!

photo by Elene Usdin

She lied across the hallway floor
behind the curtains and sealed doors.

Behind the wall that was freshly painted
lied a human figurine, non dented.

The pink carpet squashy clean
Dunk in sweat from the tussle that has been

Between the predator and the prey

The wallflower, the social butterfly
was heaving last breaths before she die.

A death not planned, cold blooded though
was this her end, who would know

The seeds of her murder were non incidental
cause when she wrote the plots, she did the experiential

This time the victim dies with eyes open
was she dead or is she mere drunken?

mystery developed, plot get thickens
After all who killed Mrs Dickens?

The careworn author scribbles her note
She needs more input to build her plot

Let the dead be there, till I call my day
She crumpled her paper and sway.

The idea should be fresh and mystery- top notch.
Should she strangulate or slit her throat?
Or let her body stashed away in deserted boat?
Or throw in sea till it come afloat?

She need to build strong climax
The murder she wrote!
This 10 minutes poem is response to the picture prompt given by magpie tales. I hope you like my take, given the different nature of picture prompt this time. Do leave me a comment below.


  1. absolutely brilliant creativity, Ekta.. awesome!

  2. Anonymous09 December

    A superbly written tale and effortless one, Ekta. Brilliant:)

    1. Thanks Vishal :) You have been very encouraging thus far :)

  3. Very nice... Intense and creative!

  4. This is superb ... the way you weaved a writer's mind ... loved it :-)

    1. Thanks Amrit. I am glad that someone understood my point :) I was worried thinking, if I didn't nailed it well.


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