If Life Gives a #SecondChance

I often sit by my window and look at the sky. As if the sky could read my thoughts and transmit it to my loved ones especially my maternal grandmother who passed away some years back and being the unfortunate me, I could not meet her before her death. That year and many years after that, including some times even today, the memories of my grandmother kept on haunting me in my dreams. I always saw her being in extreme worried situation, worrying about the family's well being. She often kind of told me to take care of the people she left behind, interfere, insist and intervene in the matters critical to their well being and help their decisions. She had bestowed quite a lot faith in my decision before death, especially the way at which I looked at relationship.

You see in hustle and bustle, and turmoil of our daily life, our busy-ness, we often tend to ignore time for the most loved things in our life. Some time, no matter how much you do, still it is not enough. No matter sometime how much time you spend with people you love, you still ache to be with them. Life very rarely gives Second Chances. 

So when I was asked to enlist the three things that I have been putting on hold or on tenterhooks for the future and would do right now if given a chance, my first wish was instant. The second , third and others have to be well thought of, as I have to suggest what is "doable" and guess bringing back dead is not doable. If it could be, in a healthy way, I would have asked God to given me back few things including my grandparents and my Chand Mama.

Source: Blogadda.com

If you cannot go back and enthuse a different ending, time to infuse New Beginnings
CTRL Z is available only for laptops and computers. Life do not give us the opportunity to "undo". While harping over split milk is a bad notion, let us not be unfair to the jars. As long as the life is not lost, there is enough room for amendments. 

Here's my laundry list, in better words bucket list for the things I would like to do if given a chance-

1) Spend more time with my Parents
I am a homing bird. I find my best solace in my nest, under the love and presence of my family. My education and career took me away from house. Often due to work pressure, I could not take enough leaves, visit my parents frequently or travel outside. I would love to run back to my home, my parents and spend time with them. Even better, I want to take them, yes both of them out for a foreign trip. Its has been in my mind from long and I really want to go abroad with my parents. 

2) Get back to Branding, Product Management
I enrolled myself for MBA as I wanted to study HRD. However during the course of study, the advertising freak in me refused to die and gave me wings to dream further and built my interest in Marketing. Marketing is quite a misunderstood word, including the learned persons in my relations who mocked my decision to enrol for Marketing dual specialization, saying its a "Sales" job and no one will take me without prior sales experience. I was labeled as "bringing bad name to family for taking a course in Sales" as sales was mostly associated with door to door marketing. My elderly cousin chided me saying- I am thinking like an ivory tower person who is not exposed to grass root. I laughed and still took that course and landed in a beautiful job in product management wherein they said- my qualification and understanding succeeded the mandatory sales experience.  No bragging but that was a moment of redemption and further motivation for me.
Given a second chance, I would love to back to product management and branding outside telecom domain, in my favorite FMCG sector. takers anyone?

3) Complete my course in Psychology
I was a psychology enthusiast. I wanted to study Psychology but ended up doing MBA. During my first job, I wanted to explore back studying psychology and get in to the field as a professional. I wanted to give an educational certification to my agony aunt part. I wanted to turn psychologist but earlier given the parental pressure and then lack of time, I kept this desire on back burner. I wish I should have revolted then. Given a chance I would love to study, get qualified and set career in the same. I want to work with little children especially. You may call that I aspire to be a shrink. maybe I do.

Well that was the top 3 things that I wanted to do given a chance and even a #SecondChance. How about you? Let's share, understand and work together on the same.

If I can be of any help, do drop me a mail/ comments. Thanks.

This post is a part of the #SecondChance activity at BlogAdda in association with MaxLife Insurance”.


  1. Anonymous30 January

    Such a beautiful and uplifting post, Ekta.

  2. Anonymous08 February

    Nice choices :) I missed this contest myself.

    1. No issue, you can still write about it :)

  3. Nice Post Ekta... :)


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