The Immersion

The divine statue
in its true radiance and glory
was submerged in the water,

full of chaotic Rasp

that the sea behold.

They chanted the songs of hymn,

and danced on the Rhythm of the Dholaki,

dressed in their festival fineries.

bidding adieu to the Goddess,

in the ghats of dust and swarm.

The sea, the river, the holy water

witnesses the wreckage,

the colourful lead package

and the debris of men's devotion.

Year after year.

in silent mourn.


Hey, men Spare that! Find a creative solution. Let your devotion lead the aspirations and not contaminate the holy water with leads. Remember, Rivers are also goddesses, they are the mother which supports our existence on this planet.


  1. There should be a better way to celebrate without damaging the environment :( ... nicely written! You said what i've been thinking too.

    Do visit my blog as well! Writing after ages! :)

  2. I never liked the idea of immersing them in the day there won't be a space there as well! Why not recycle them for next years use?

  3. thumbs up for devotion with environmental awareness in mind

    much love...

  4. You have created a very unique juxtaposition in your description.


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Hi Folks,

You heard its time for Bouquets and Brickbats!