Tempting Thursday & long Tweets

Hey folks! how have you been? Can see my Indiblogger blog rank go down this month. Not much time to write. Just back from 2 back to back bloggers meet last weekend- posts awaited. Since its tempting Thursday, couldn't resist the temptation to put a post and get to hear from you. 

Talking about temptations. Here's one of my favorite pastries from Sweet Obsession, Gurgaon - Fruit Pastry!

Its yummm, irresistable and yummmmy.....

It looks so fresh, creamy & enticing that I feel like diving in it & swim across the layers, stop & sink my teeth in it. Yummy!

My other favorite from the same shop is- Double blueberry cake. Now I have many emotions attached to it! Have a scoop & you will know why? :)

Sweet Obsession is at Arjun Marg, DLF phase 1, Gurgaon.

In case you wondering, why picture blogging, well I am neck deep in prep for CEO presentation this Friday. Too many cluttered slides, Gosh! But for a change few team members has agreed to my notion & liked my edits. Thank God for small mercies. Meanwhile, packing off my boss for his holidays (work wise deliveries) while trying to hide that perceived sheen of happiness on my face. Yup- when cat is away mouse will play! Alas, I ain't no mouse though. About play, well not that sure. About that perceived khushi... ahem misnomer.

Summer is on rise and damn my room ac works like a "Shadi ki Ghodi", neighing terribly, working in between numerous long intervals. Told my landlords several times but no avail.

Junior Masterchef Australia' results are out. Isabela is the proud winner. Love all those kids, they were amazing! Siena, Jack, Pierre & all, miss you kids. You all inspired the chef inside me. 

BTW, I love the fact that Star world now telecasts my favorite "The big Bang theory" back to back from 8:00pm to 9:00pm- Monday to Thursday. A joy which my fellow blogger & new found friend Prateek Shah shares & understands. So what if they are repeat telecasts, can watch all over again & again and again. However, couldn't make due to long work schedules. 

Talking about work, appraisals are out. Unhappy? Yes. why? No. Was looking forward to a good hike. All my plans of getting a new car, shifting family stands further delayed. No new phone either.

After a long tym, had lunch with boss today. Masala Dosa & Cold coffee. The food was dull but conversation interesting. In case you wondering, I forgot what t'was all about. May be activities to close in his absence. Men, they are huge. But good as long as they keep me busy & happily engaged.

Yeah someone from Mahindra called to collect my "incredible story contest" prize from their show room in Lajpat nagar. Lemme see if I can make it. Anyone wanna join?

Talking about company, am home alone. Landlord & family went out of station. Not that I have great company when they are around. It's just that with one male servant at home, need to be quite careful.

Hey, I tried the Dove hairfall rescue Shampoo today with L`oreal mirror shine conditioner. My hair is all flat, dry & shapeless but somewhat shiny. May be cause I rushed to office immediately after & couldn't have time to brush the mane up. In case anyone else have tested, pl share your feedback.Will try again for next wash may be sans conditioner & see.

I am half away through my next blog which is hold your horses- a movie review. Ya, I know its been long since Delhi 6. Anyways, My movie review blog is conceptualized & almost ready, pending for final shape n form. Which movie? Keep guessing. For first correct entry will win exclusive link of the movie on you tube Lolz & will be strongly welcome to come along to my favorite pastry shop in town and cherish this pastry (max limit 1 person/ 1 pastry) Till such time- Indulge! Indulge in sinful innocence of fruit blast berries, soft smooth pastries.

Tired & sleepy, am calling the day off. Ciao!!!


  1. Nice to know what is happening around you. That fruit pastry is mouth watering. Sweet Obsession in Gurgaon! I think we have been to that shop during our last visit (this January).

    I would love to watch Big Bang Theory again. I love Amy Farrah Fowler. She is the type of girl most people just ignore. And, it makes me sad.

  2. That's a nice update post :)
    I am on a diet so will ignore the tempting portions of this post :P

    No increment here too :( life is sad.

    Be careful with the male servant!


  3. haha listen to smita's advice:)

  4. Anonymous16 June

    movie review in queue ?

    Shanghai ?!

    do we go to your or my favourite cake shop :P :P :P

  5. Ummmm.. you actually shut off words from anybody who wants to comment... the image is too tempting.. and the post.. aha, all the more mouthwatering!

    I mentioned you in my post here: http://anucreations.blogspot.in/2012/06/rumination.html

    Actually, I had to.

  6. You had to post the photo of that pastry, didn't you. Stomps out of the room to the nearest bakery.

  7. @ SG

    Whoa! Then next time u r in Gurgaon...u r gonna 2 things-

    1. Meet me
    2. Visit the pastry shop!

    BTW no guesses for the movie? :)

  8. @ Smita
    It's so nice to see you here...I suggest dieting is good but once in awhile such temptations shouldn't be too resisted :)

    And yeah, I am trying to be as alert as possible...just another day today & hope the family is back..so does food supplies :D

  9. @ ramesh
    yup sure :)

    @ Hitchy

    Yup...well keep guessing...movie result will be soon out! :)

  10. @ Anupama
    Thanks a tonn buddy!

    Read your poem...trust me it came well...so rock!

    Well I wud open the shut mouths and ask them to talk talk talk...there' so much I mentioned incl the dove shampoo...no feedback yet :(

    What say? :)

  11. @ Abhyuadaya
    Actually yes...It all started with just one picture to pot but they say na...baat nikalegi to door tak jayegi...so lo & behold...

    How was the pastry that u stomped today to? :)

  12. Thanks for the invitation. Will sure do both next time.

    If you are going to write a review on any Indian movie, I have no guess. If your review is on any Hollywood movie, then I have 2 guesses: Men in Black 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man.

  13. @ SG
    Yes...Make it your "To do" list. Its not these 2 movie...keep guessing :)

    And yup I need to reply ur mail...will do buddy...its just that laziness takes better of me & nothing else!

    BTW, which was the last movie- hindi that u have seen?

  14. Anonymous19 June

    Amazing the visit was worth…


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