Wordless Wednesday- Thousand Cloud Skies

                               View from my Hyderabad Airtel office Canteen


  1. lovely pic.... the clouds look gorgeous

  2. @ Ash
    Thank you so much! :) :)

  3. lovely shot :)


  4. wow, the cloud looks like cotton! your office canteen should be a cool place. is that Shah Rukh Khan in between your office canteen and cloud?

  5. Super pic (as always).

    After taking this cloud pic, you must be in Cloud 9. Just fyi: There really is a Cloud Appreciation Society with 30,000 members. "Google" it if you want more info.

  6. nice pic there.. the clouds look really soothing and beautiful...

    and yes, Airtel! Airtel! :D

    beautiful click :)

  7. @ Shooting star aka Sushmita

    Thank u so much. Also for sharing ur blog link...will see ya there too :)

    @ Shilpa
    Thank you so much Buddy. can you believe how I shot this picture? From my mobile phone's 3.2 megapixel camera :)

  8. @ Debajyoti

    My canteen at Hyderabad office was indeed nice place. I miss it for all the food and the closeness that we used to share then.

    Hey, that's not SRK but a Telugu actor on airtel hoarding.

    Clouds are really beautiful, I captured few more while travelling via flights.

  9. @ SG

    Thanks...shall definitely search and share it :)

    @ R-A-J
    Yup...I am so proud of my click. thank u soo much! :)

    Also, congrats for winning the biker contest1 yippeee


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