I do, I dove

“You are beautiful”.

“Your eyes are very pretty, beautiful. Your nose is sharp and roman. But what I love most in you, is your hairs”. He said, sliding his long comforting fingers in my silky hairs. “And yes, they smell so blissful”.

Rohit and I met a year ago and fell in love at first sight. He even confessed once that he got immensely attracted to my hairs and got his heart tied to its long ending curls ever since.

The proposal: Every girl dreams her man to charm her away and propose in most beautiful way. Some place the ring inside a wine glass, inside a muffin, a candlelit dinner or ways infinite. Rohit did a splendid surprise for me. He slipped the ring in my finger while stroking his hands through my hair. Little did I realize he beautifully wove it through my strands, straight away in my ring finger. Before I could say anything he said-“I love you more than my life, will you marry me”? A tear rolled down my cheek as I replied- “I do”.

Awww, he loves my hair so much, I must preserve them whatsoever it takes.
I have a very simple but regular hair care regime. Like the “ing” (cleansing, toning, moisturizing) mantra for skin care, my mantra for hair care is- OCCC i.e. Oiling, Cleaning, Conditioning & off late, Covering (to protect them from harsh sun & dust). I have experimented with different hair styles since childhood but soon after Rohit came to my life, I continue to keep it long. He loves my long, silky tresses and often discouraged me from coloring, ironing or even blow dry them. He is more protective about my hair than I do J

The wedding day was set and everyone was a buzz for the preparations. From trousseau to, make up to venue to bridesmaid to invitations to gifts, everything was designed. I have zeroed in on a beautiful wide shoulder wedding gown with a hair style to flaunt my lovely mane cascading of the shoulder like waterfall, knitted in with pearls and flowers. We planned for a beach wedding followed by a honeymoon in Alps. Like the quintessential Yash Chopra heroine- a chiffon sari & silky hairs flowing in the lush prairies of Swiss magnanimity.

It was all like a fairy tale sans any wicked witch or evil queen. But in fairy tales too everything is not all smooth. Rapunzel has to lose her hairs, Princess Fiona transformed into ogre and poor snow white has to wait a lot before that magical kiss. I fell sick twice and that took a toll on my hair. My hair became brittle, too many split ends, rough and dry. Hair fall and dryness inadvertently were biggest amongst them. There came a time when I had rapid hair breakage and nothing I did could help save my hairs from getting them go worse and out of texture. Not even my favorite shampoo. The damage was so intense that every time I comb or wash my hairs, my heart starts to sink. My pillow, scrunchie, the tiled floor and bathroom sieve all became the living witness of my trauma.  I tried using everything that could help me- specialized products, homemade tips, SPA, treatments, hair loss clinic and all that in a book has but nothing could bring my hair back to form.
My marriage was fast approaching but my hair problem was going nowhere. I stared at mirror and it failed to recognize my tresses. I was only 5 weeks away from my D day and with a hair like this only a miracle can help me look good on the best day of my life or any girl’s life. I have waited so long for this day and done 1000s of preparation to make it most memorable and look my best. But Alas, this sudden hair problem has dumbfound me. This is not what I planned; this is not the hair that I want to click pictures with; not the hair that I want to take to swissalps.

You have got an appointment with me.
“Your hairs are everywhere, honey” said Rohit pointing out at the rug lying on floor. “Shall I suggest something? Why don’t you leave the oil in your hair all the time so that those frizzy looks may settle down? Or at least wear a scarf around or let’s try this hair clinic”.  I sighed and told that I have tried but didn’t help much. “In that case, may I suggest cutting your hair short and wearing a long veil. Princess Di had one. At least it wouldn’t look as bad”. I sighed as I look back at the mirror. I should have them cut. But would that help?

Since then majority of my time went on my hair woes. I couldn’t gather courage enough go for cut. I rang up my wedding planner and stylist Selena asking her for appointment to give measurements for a new addition in dress- a veil.

Selena is a fine lady with beautiful, luxurious hairs. She got perturbed by my falling hairs but asked me not to change the attire and the look at last minute. “You have always dreamt to be a bride, dressed like this. Now you want to change the outfit just cause of a bad hair condition? Come on, follow me”. She took me to her green room saloon and offered to wash my hairs with a secret magic potion. Secret magic potion? Yeah, she said. It’s her secret magic potion. A look at her hair and I give up on her behest.  “Here you go” she said and took a white bottle from her kit and applied. The shampoo had a nice, lather, gentle feel on my hair and I loved the way it smelled.  After conditioning when I touched my hair, they felt differently smooth and I loved the post dry texture. The serum she applied worked wonders on my tangles.  “What product is that”, I chirped. She smiled and handed me a white pouch. Inside it there was a bottle of Dove intenserepair shampoo with a conditioner & serum. “Try this for next 10 ten days. I bet if that doesn’t work, I will gift you, your wedding dress for free”.

Whoa that’s a big claim, I thought but another glance over Selena’ lustrous manes, I relented. So, I used the product for next 5 wash and here’s what I got-

Wash 1: Good post wash feelings; Not much difference though. Rohit sent me couple of designs for veils L
Wash 2: Rohit did not notice much but just asked if I am keeping the hair oiled all the time.
Wash 3: Rohit had a glance n quipped “good that you are keeping your hairs oiled”.
Wash 4: Hair turned smoother & hairfall reduced. Combing 3 times a day and hair loss is 40% lesser. Rohit extended the coffee date for another hour. Who said veil? J
Wash 5: Hairs remarkably smooth; no split ends.  Rohit and I watched a movie and he couldn’t keep his hands away from my hairs. “Is it love?” He asked. “Its dove” I winked.

….and that was the end of my hair problems! I did not get the wedding dress for free but I got was priceless and what followed is even more invaluable.

Here comes the bride
The D day arrived. I dressed in a resplendent white gown and my most beautiful jewel- my hairs, my crowning glory. Selena winked at me and remove the tiara off my head saying- Nah! You do not need this. Your hair does all the talking, all the shining. I smiled and looked at my mirror and winked. It winked back at me. God! I am on cloud no 999. Will Rohit notice? Will he like it?  Will he admonish me for not using a veil? Ah! I will know all in a few seconds.

“Hurry lady, time to take that glorious walk, walk down the aisle. Let groom get to decide how pretty you look today”. She said as she handed the beautiful white rose and lavender bouquet in my hands & gave me a hair kiss oops air kiss.

As I walked down the aisle, I was flattered by the looks on everyone’s face. My heart skipped a beat when Rohit turned and looked at me. His eyes were all fixed on face. The looks in his eyes were so deep and admiring. I reached near stage and Rohit stretched his hands. He just couldn’t take off his eyes. He didn’t blink even once. “You are beautiful”. He said while holding my hand. Whole through the ceremony Rohit couldn’t help but kept looking at me. The priest saw us and smiled. He asked Rohit to take his vows. Here’ what Rohit said-

“I love you and I know this love is from God. Today is a most special day. Long ago you were a dream & prayer. I take you as my wedded wife. With deepest joy I receive you into my life that together we may be one. To have & to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love conditionally and to cherish ‘till death do us apart. I hereto pledge you my faithfulness and my heart. I love you, would you be my wife?”

As Rohit went saying this, the entire place became alive with pleasant uproars, claps and pleasing sighs. Oh my God! Tears came upon my eyes and it’s just then the holy priest asked- My child, do you accept Mr. Rohit Pereira as your lawfully wedded husband?

“I do father, I do”. As I said the tear went rolling my left cheek. Rohit just leaned forward kissed my tears and remarked- “I can’t promise whether I can stop tears forever from your life but I definitely promise that whenever you find one, I will always be around to kiss them away. So Father, may I kiss the bride now?” The father smiled and nodded. Trust me that was the most beautiful kiss of my life. As he kissed, his hand went on my hair, caressing he said- You are beautiful indeed.

Here’s this for all beautiful bride and bride to be. I have designed and created this video as a small tribute from my side. Also, if you too are facing hair problem, any type. Do take a look at this fabulous and simple to use dove hair app and help yourself, like my protagonist in this story did. I am sure you will too say- I chose dove and that was the end of all my hair problems! Cheers!

(Pl watch this video in full screen with audio on) J

You tube link: You are beautiful
This story is written as an entry for Dove Indiblogger contest. 
Image courtesy: Google & dove.in 


  1. baapre..what do i say!!hehe

    1. What say ka kya matlab?

      Say something and say honestly. :)

  2. I have to hand it to you. You have a unique writing style. Excellent. Looks like you have read a lot and watched lot of movies. Roman nose? That is a nice description.

    The short movie you made for this contest is very good. The sound quality is perfect. The song selection composed by James Blunt is appropriate.

    Wish you all the best and I am sure you will win this contest.

    1. Thanks so much buddy. I really want to win this contest...keeping my fingers crossed. You must read other people' entries too...awesome.

      I am short of time hence couldn't think much...so just one post :)

  3. Quiet nice... I am speechless.. very unique writing style... gr8 going... Seems there is a dove contest. I believe that you should win it.. u deserve...

  4. Akansha02 August

    Wow! This is simply spell bounding!

    I was traversed to a different universe with this post...I started imagining the entire picture...from hair woes to proposal to time with dresser and the wedding!

    You are beautiful writer! loved this one

    The video at end is simply amazing...brides and their beautiful hairs... You made that?

    1. Thanks Akansha...

      yes, I made that video :)

  5. Ashlesha06 August

    Fabulous post! Just loved the video...you made it? Its truly spell bounding. I agree you r a beautiful writer...loved your post. May you win! Good luck!

    1. Thanks Ashlesha...Yes, I made that video..great that you liked it :)

  6. Tushar28 August

    Hey, stumbled on ur page via indiblogger.

    Must stay one of the most creative piece that I have seen for the theme. Good job. The video is excellent.


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