I Dove You!

Hair, my beautiful hair
Why thou don’t shine?
Why you hold yourself so much
Hiding your face behind

Hair my luscious hair
Look what my lifestyle
Has done to beautiful you
With all that hot iron and chemicals infinite

Hair my pristine hair
Where gone all the sheen?
Dust, pollution and rough air
Has taken away the wind

Hair my natural hair
Its high time
That I weave a magic in you
And bring back your charm, my pristine

Before I begin, I must remember
Its basic that we often falter
Time to nurture you tender
Time to pamper & revive

Time to infuse some love,
White potion and nourish
Extend the same that I use for my skin
Oh! My tresses, how much I am keen

Keen to let you lose from my scarf
Embrace your silkiness & shine
Keen to bring the lost glory back
…freedom from all hair problems

Hair my beautiful, hair
the Magic is working fine
wash after wash, I touch you
You feel even more divine

Bird (dove), you r like my best friend
Every time you visit, am left with happiness
…and that’s the end of all my hair problems 
no saloon no medical mess

Dryness, fizz or damage
will not trouble you again
worry no dear, my love is certain
no stress no constrain

I can now color you
Cut, Style, curl you into new
Still no hassle to lose you
That’s the beauty of our friendship

my beautiful hair wants me to sing with glee
express the joy that restored in me
Once again you slip through my finger
And so smooth to entwine

love is a two street
love  is a mesmerizing peck
I love my hair
and it loves me back

Hair, my hair I just can’t tell
How much I love you
You are so beautiful

 I Love you
I will always, Dove you!


That's my beautiful hair story. What's yours?

II. Rapunzel came to life from fairy tale and harsh reality bite her hair too. But when did little princess and her beautiful tresses took the defeat :) She fought it root & strands and got back what she lost. How? Here' what the little dove bird chirped to me-

(click on pictures for larger view)

....and that was end of all her hair problems!!!

Well that was Rapunzel's beautiful hair story. What's yours?


Dove hair care range was launched in 2007 in India. Within few months of its launch, Dove has become the fastest growing shampoo range in he country. Dove has a range of hair care product that repair accumulated damage & protect & care for the hair.  The range includes shampoo, conditioner, serum and hair mask. Which is your dove? Here's you go-

You can alternatively take a simple Hair aware quiz with DOVE specialized hair care app & find what's your dove quotient.

So with Dove, say goodbye damaged hair & Hello beautiful hair!!!

I Dove You!

Do you?


This post is written for Indiblogger & Dove .....that's was the end of my hair problem contest.


  1. I Dove You is a nicely written poem. To me, this poem is a trove.

  2. Nice poetic tribute to hair:)Best wishes for the contest!

    1. Thanks Rahul. I really am hopeful but you never know.

  3. Very Lovey Dovey! :P

  4. Gautam10 August

    Hope you win this time....it is a pretty, well written n highly creative story..

    ekdum dil se written! I am inspired so much that wish i were a girl & used dove:)

    fortunes favor female.

    1. Thanks Gautam...I really wish I do :)

  5. Sanath14 August

    Simply Superb!!!

    Loved it.


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