10 Tipping Points Smart Suraksha

I am sharing my Smart Suraksha Tips at BlogAdda.com in association with Smart Suraksha App.

When it comes to safety, I prefer  not to turn poetic but aware and firm. I have stayed across multiple cities in India from north to South to Center to West, all in my 1 and half leg. You heard it Right! My experience in multiple cities taught me what to do and what not do. While I do not wish to dilute the objectivity of the post with design and creativity, I intend to share with you my personal tips for Smart Surkasha, purely based on my experience, knowledge and humble reasoning.

Thou shall Stay Safe and how. Here they are-

One: Prevention is Better than Cure. Be proactive for your safety and do have safety checklist to avoid any future problems due to non compliance. For eg-  Register your house help's info at nearest local police station, do a proper reference check when you hire a new staff, carry a pepper spray, use door chain etc. Do not compromise on your Safety. Make Safety your habit and not a choice.

Two: Never share your important details like your passwords, Pin nos etc with anyone. Be very careful when you operate your ATM, credit card etc or talk in public about your finances, phobia etc. 

Three: ICE- In case of Emergency  the 3 magical letters that helps you storing the contacts of people who you would like to intimate first in case of any emergency. With further development of Smart Suraksha App, you can do much better. read my post here to know more.

Four: Be a tortoise and take a Flight of freedom rather than being an over-smart Hare- At every possible moment, become the Milkha Singh of your life and Run as fast as you can, on your two or four from the place of incident to a safe nest. Once you are protected, you can help avert a crime or identify the criminal. 

Five: Travel Smart! Whenever your are travelling alone or even with another colleague, be aware of all your plans, destinations etc. When you are checking-in a hotel, do look for probable hidden cameras and other security point of view. Do not be over friendly with strangers and go to unknown places at someone' behest without sufficient company and at right time of the day. Carry sufficient cash but never too much of it, neither jewelry.  If you are traveling alone in a cab, do take note of the cab no, driver details and text it to two-three if your near friends/ relatives. Do not forget to use maps when travelling to unknown locations even if thats in same city.

Six: Never drink and drive. That explains everything.

Seven: When you move to new city, take stock of the area, residents and facility nearby. Be very careful while choosing your residence etc.

Eight: Be Physically fit for no gadget, no tool comes as handy as this. Know few moves to knuckle down the opponent to their knees, not for offense but self defense

Nine: Never Argue in face of Danger. Do not get in an argument with people you do not know and can neither control behavior of. A lot of crime takes place in throe/heat of moment.

Ten: Ring the Bell; Blow the Whistle! Always carry a small whistle in your pocket and do not be scared to use it alert people's attention when you cannot scream. This also hold true when you suspect something fowl, report it by blowing whistle literally. 

When it comes to your own safety, turn smart and stay safe. It is better safe to be sorry.


  1. Very true Ekta, it is better to be safe than sorry. I believe self defense should be made part of school curriculum to equip us to face the world.

    1. Yes. I always insisted on making children learn self defense right from early age. Dancing, prepping, music all can wait but self defense cannot and should not.

  2. good write up. indeed prevention is better than cure. all the best Ekta :)


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