Women for Soldiers

While they fight, the battles of their life,
their wives fights an even bigger battle
all within themselves,
little angst, little pride

they pray for nothing
but safe return of their men
Some prays that they stay secure
and reach back their home

prisoners of war
leaves their widows behind
a history of love and compassion
but future devoid of even sunshine

These women make merry
that war is over now
still some fear
for their men' where-how?

She cheers him up
when he leaves for the frontiers
and fights back her on fears
she is no less than a warrior

let's cheer for the women
who marries a soldier
who raise her child to a Sepoy,
and nurtures a whole generation thereafter

The nation thrives 
cause of two of it's honorable men
One, an Indian Farmer
Another, Indian Armed force-Men!


This post is created for Magpietales [Picture Prompt], Also Saluting the Spirit of Indian soldier- Army, Navy, Air-force


  1. Ekta, for your requirement of sports bloggers etc, you can try this Facebook page called "Put Me in Touch". For now, if u want, I can post yr need for u if u don't have time to wait for the moderator to approve you. Reply to me on Indiblogger Forum under thread started by you.

  2. Sue RS, Thanks so much...pl go ahead and post!

  3. Very true! Esp. The last stanza.. Those two form the backbone of our country don't they.. Nicely written Ekta :)

    1. Thanks Seeta, glad that u liked it :)

  4. Ekta few people think of the support a woman gives to all achievers-staying in the background--nice thought!

  5. Gar saleeqa ho dard samajhne ka,
    Behte hue ashq bhi kalaam karte hain..!

  6. A nice thought. Not many people think about what the family goes through. How important the support system is...is something that needs to be experienced. Well written

    1. Thank you Preethi. Keep visiting :)

  7. Hi Ekta,
    Loved reading this.
    Good to see your insightful views so evocatively expressed
    Keep Blogging
    Vikram Karve
    Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve


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