Sunsilk Recharge Card Vouchers [RCV]

This is how I feel before going to a party?

A day in the sun, does this to my hairs...

It is the time to recharge that hair!!!

Out to live ma life




Cause hair is my best accessory
Hair is my most precious jewelry
Hair is my crowning glory!

I need to recharge hair and enthuse life in it
I need to refill self & live to hilt
I am a woman
indeed a woman of substance
My hair is my asset 
and piece de' resistance

I recharge my hair, so I can be tension free
go on doing things I love without any hair worry

Reason no 1
"I recharge my hair so I can go for prom
with the best guy in town"

Reason no 2
"I recharge my hair so I can impress
cause beauty is not just about wearing a beautiful dress"

Reason no 3
"I recharge my hair so when I go for a party
I can dance all time & still, be snap worthy"

Reason no 4
"I recharge my hair cause I am in the fashion Industry
and hair is the last thing that I want to worry"

Reason no 5
"I recharge my hair so it doesn't become a mess
post that paragliding, skiing & all those outdoor expedition stress

Reasons are several, reasons are fine
Just recharge your hair and have a good time!

Using new Sunsilk recharge voucher
the same thing that we use for our cellular
now recharge and activate thy hair
use a solution that understands the problem
and Sunsilk is the chosen one

That ruled the hair of all Indian women
and make them shine and dazzle and smoothen
You need to recharge your hair
cause you want to look, maven
day in day out
twenty-four by seven
Be the beautiful you
Go to drive, ride and do
whatever you feel, whatever you want
There is nothing that Sunsilk can't.

This quick post is written for Indiblogger & Sunsilk "Recharge your hair; Recharge your life"


  1. Nicely crafted with apt pics and words weaved into poem. Personally, I find this form of expression (poem) very challenging. I approciate how easily you created one to convey the thoughts.

  2. Good one, all the best

  3. I love the first pic of Jenifer Ainston...all the best!!!

  4. Can totally connect with reason no 1 , 3 and 4 !
    Best wishes for the contest :)

  5. Wonderful poem and apt pictures...Best of luck for the contest :-)

  6. Nice poem sure to win the prize

  7. Excellent poem. All the best for the contest.

  8. Love your poem Ekta. All the best :)


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