A Little #WhatTheBlack Desire

#WhatTheBlack I am so fascinated by you.
#WhatTheBlack, u r my pink white and blue
#WhatTheBlack I love you in my dress
#WhatTheBlack you make my accessory look grace

#WhatTheBlack if desires were some colors, they would be you and just you. A lot many desires are black in nature i.e. nothing can cover them up or color their needs. They remain unaltered, unchanged like the color black is. On which no other color can empower itself.

I have some such truly black desires that have absolutely no substitutes. They may not be unique but they are dear and near to my heart, since the beginning, right from the start.

So when Blogadda asked me to tell them my top 5 black desires, I could not help but recall these-

A #WhatTheBlack Gun
Misunderstand me not
I find it an ammunition Hot
I Ain't no criminal
but fancying buying one gun
It is all for my safety
and no sorta fun

World is insecure, life is unsafe
forget diamonds, a small pistol could be
a girl's best friend

A #WhatTheBlack not so Little Black Dress
I love dressing up
well who don't
but there are few things, that I can adorn
I dream of finest fabrics
of the likes of Hepburn and Monroe

A #WhatTheBlack Gadget
They call me technocrat
and I find it very funny
I have no better laptops
and I fancy- iPadMini

A little black gadget
would do me no harm
I will flaunt it with my LBD and Gun
I will flaunt my charm

A #WhatTheBlack Sedan
I am tired of going to office
in the good ol black rickshaw

It is a beautiful car that I often dream of
a car, that I can drive
A car that can set me free
of limited mobility and distances

A #WhatTheBlack Time Machine
I dream of myriad things
and call them night mare
now my car can only walk on road
and cannot take me everywhere.

I wish I had a time machine
that could travel me to past
So I can see the things larger
and understand for a better chance.

It will give me a whole new perspective
that money cannot buy
it allow me to time travel
and meet I with My.


This post is a part of #WhatTheBlack activity at BlogAdda.com


  1. It sounds like magical words to be weaved into reality. Best:)


  2. Gun is one good choice.. nice post, Ekta.. ATB :)

    1. I have been desiring for a gun since my childhood...wonder when my dream will come true.

  3. Thank You Sudheer. Will do indeed!


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You heard me...now its time for Bouquets and Brickbats!