Fractured Legend- Book Review


‘ And then…God created Women and the world was never ever the same.’ 

Book name: Fractured Legend 
ISBN: 978-93-81791-07-3
Author: Kranthi Askani
Publisher: APK publishers
Genre: Fiction
Price: Rs. 195/- 
Total pages: 190
Rating: 2.5/5

The Story: Fractured legend is the story of 3 different women with three different background who are sailing away from their turbulent pasts, the denouement puzzlingly curling them all together into one tight ribbon of hope. There is a dilapidated temple and it's temple queen, a secret manuscript, a main link between all the three ladies and the letters. Set in an unconventional world, ruled by conventions, the story bores descriptions aplenty and create illusions with imaginary places, figures to pace forth.

The book is segmented into 3 chapters encapsulating stories of all the three characters and how their life gets interlinked and intertwined.

About the Author: Kranthi Askani (quite a unique name) is a novelist from city of Nizams- Hyderabad, India. He is a software professional who also plays Tabla.

Writing style of Author: The book written as a narrative from each of these 3 central characters in a monologue mode with readers. The author uses often a high English literature language, making the narrative bit perplexed and slow pacing at time. For eg-

"The dog crouched near the fountain for days as if to seek reprieve, then he crept up with his jawline slack, drooling, sneezing, ears flat as he lunged up the round stony plinth and flopped to the muddy fountain".

Main character of the story: Priyambada, Nandini & Pravalli are three protagonists of this novel and it's a story that revolves around their not so smooth life. Tough situations, multifaceted nature of society and their own distinctive personality weaves the story forward. They lead their lives bound by the circumstances and how they evolved. 

Priyambada is a temple slave who turns into flesh in night and froze into statue by the morning. In her self chosen state, she now craves for immortality and how. Nandhini is a professional assassin, caught between complex game of deceit and rivalry. Pravalli story is about the long letter that she drafted for her mother. 

Likes/ Dislikes: I strongly believe personal dislikes kills a chance of a book read by larger population. So here, I would not get into any dislike that may refrain enthusiasts to pick up a novel concept. The author is new and the concept is quite different from the likes of- Rom Com, teenage love, how to lose weight etc. So venturing into an area so arcane definitely calls for some accolade and encouragement. What I do not like much is the language, it could have been simpler and more mellifluous to set the story, characters and pace for first 30 pages at least. Also, the bit bizarre unfold of the events, you can't blame much given the setting of the concept itself. Read it when you have plenty of time and not many other things to do, read patiently. Having said that I would still go ahead with this book if you want dwell further in the unconventional subject matter and make your own judgement. 

I loved the title though, So apt in current world, for current leaders and their leadership! Also, can be used to highlight the fall in social structure and relationships. With a title like that expectations are bound to rise, and let them otherwise picking books from shelves would be difficult. No?


Here's the personal note that author written on all the copies sent across-

Dear blogadda Member
here is a spool of my imagination. Unwind it delicately. Thank you for your time...

This review is a part of the Book Reviews Program at Participate now to get free books! 


  1. Thanks for the review. Looks like I have to be Harvard educated to understand his English. Unfortuantely, I did not go to Harvard.

    1. Is it that tough? well no...

      How mean of you :)

  2. I have taken time off bok reviews..sometimes its too much tiring to read the books..which have nothing to interest ....

    1. Agree...So I choose books that I want review...they should be first of all- free and interesting. Someone wrote me to review their book, I asked them to send me, they said buy..I said Bye bye! :)

  3. You know, I am taking the CAT, and most of the mocks have comprehension passages on the lines of "The dog crouched near the fountain for days as if to seek reprieve, then he crept up with his jawline slack, drooling, sneezing, ears flat as he lunged up the round stony plinth and flopped to the muddy fountain". You know, just so that the question setter can enjoy watching the reader wet his pants trying to decipher this maze of jargon.

    I came across another review for the same book, and there it had been rated a generous 1/5. :P

    1. Lolzz....good luck with all these dogs for your CAT!

      I am bit kanjus...2.5 se upar nahi de paayi...may be I will read again...if my thinking changes.

    2. Arey 2.5 to bhut de dia aapne :P I came across another review which said unrateable :P

      And thank you :)

    3. :) I do not want to discourage the author...for there r ppl like his genre...and who knows he can be tomo's salman rushdie..they all start like this :0)

    4. Amen, Ekta...amen :) :)

  4. Anonymous22 September


    1. thanks...but whats that u find beautiful?


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