SoakNoMore v/s SoakMore

Its a listed world. From shopping to assignments, to colleges and best places to work everything has a list attached to it. There's a Schindler's list too...Here' my own list of what shall we SoakMore in life and what shall we SoakNoMore...

We need to clean our conscience and our minds first and then think of cleaning other things. Once done, neither soaking, nor brushing, no lemon, soda and soap will be required for us to clean the world.

Saint Kabir worte-

निंदक नियरे राखिये आंगन कुटी छबाय
बिन पानी साबन बिना निर्मल करे सुहाय

(House your critics closely, in your own porch. For they keep you cleansed without any water or soap)

This post is tribute to same age old thinking, age old secrets of higher living, virtues that to want to soak more.  #SoakNoMore  in the vices. Here's a top recall list to SoakNoMore-

#SoakNoMore in worries of soaking dirty cloths. Let washing cloths not be your nightmare. SoakMore in other pleasures of life from the time you steal/ save from doing laundry.

#SoakNoMore in Dynasty lead corruption. Aspire for freedom and Soak more in individual lead  transformation

#SoakNoMore thinking life is unfair. SoakMore in its joy de vivre. Life is that big chocolate, ready to savor.
#SoakNoMore, if that dress doesn't fit you. Soak more in beauty that god has given you.

#SoakNoMore in curiosities that raise behind a closed window pane. abstinence behind the window glass. Instead, when it rain, make a paper boat and soak more in splash by breaking into an impromptu song, a dance!

#SoakNoMore whether u r Hindu or Muslim...Soakmore that religion is a rainbow and diversity is a beautiful thing.

#SoakNoMore in fake pastors and Godsmen. SoakMore in love of humanity and Being humane!

#SoakNoMore in the pressures of speeding clock. Instead take a break, smell your coffee and indulge in every moment that you can soak

#SoakNoMore in memories of rotten past. Soak more in making only happiness last.

#SoakNoMore cause some one is nasty. Soak more in that little care and that touch of ingenuity.

#SoakNoMore in female infanticide and crime against women. Soak more in celebrating feminism, the gift of being born as a women.

#SoakNoMore in insulating Seeta, Naseem and Soak more for Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Kali are still worshipped as Ma

#SoakNoMore discriminating girl child over boy. Everyone should have equal right to knowledge. Soak More in creating more Kalpana, Lata and Mother Teresa.

Stain not the beautiful city you live, soak no more your city with dirty splashes of betel nut, tobacco and other such substances. Soak more in encouraging actions more than just fault finding. lets clean that wall, ornate it with beautiful colors soaked in. 

Do not perish your body with tough dieting and exercise. SoakNoMore in efforts non natural, non organic. Soak more in activities to give that tired frame some relaxation- a beauty sleep, an indulging spa and more. Soak more in simple pleasures of joy. Remember a beautiful mind is a beautiful being.

Soak in orange, soak in green...soak in myriad colors and paint me queen...soak in wheel, soak in yoga, soak in your nationa and color me tiranga!


  1. The idea is good... but the execution needs a lot more work here. Loved the concept and I hope you give more time to actually get the ideas translated into a post...

    Arvind Passey


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