"Delhi meets Noida & happily married at Gurgaon- My entry for Get Published Contest”

“Don’t love me for fun girl
Let me be the one, girl
Love me for a reason
Let the reason be love”

Bhupesh was humming this song while looking at his landline phone. There was a beep on his laptop and he found Ritika was online, pinging him on G talk, pining for his attention.

Their chat was casual and went for few minutes when Bhupesh suddenly asked, “What if you become Mrs. Sharma?” 

“Whattt? Are you joking?” Pat came to her reply.

It was two o' clock at night.  Ritika couldn't sink herself with what Bhupesh just said. She was not sure whether to first close her mouth that was opened in surprise or start jumping with joy. Nevertheless, she did both, one by one.

It all started with a random prank call that Ritika made to Bhupesh’s landline phone, way back in 1999. The prank call turned into a great friendship over 5 years and now on verge of wrapping up in a bond of a lifetime.

That was June 2004 when he popped the question and on Nov 2011, Ritika, beaten blue & black, is standing on a crossroad trying to decide whether she should finally tie the knot and how? Before she could decide, she was admitted to the hospital fighting multiple organ failures.

This is the story of Ritika, a bubbly school girl turned expert HR professional who used to make prank calls to people while in school. Also stars Bhupesh, a naughty Don Bosco schoolboy, an atheist businessman, turned famous Astrologer, already in love with another girl in far-off Patna, and off course their smooth take off of love but the bumpy drive to the wedding hall.

What makes the story real- It’s a real story of Ritika & Bhupesh and their nothing sort of roller coaster love story. Even the names are real and so does the people involved. Their love story started as a candy floss romance and sailed through every rough terrain you could envision. Whether their relation survived till marriage or not is the crux of the story.

For Bhupesh & Ritika, life was not a cake walk and their love story was served on anything but a silver platter. If you think only parents approval is the biggest villain in a love story, I would say it was a multi starring with gambit of villains age difference, parental pressure, Fraudster son of non existential MP, long-distance relationship, MBA program, Hepatitis A, Coma and Bhupesh’s resolution to get over his past so that he can justify his present and his future ahead.

I wrote this synopsis over cups of tea, cough syrup and almonds breakfast with Bhupesh & Ritika. By the time they painted their drawing room wall, my synopsis was written.

If you like my story, pl do vote for me here or click this- http://www.indiblogger.in/getpublished/idea/396

Your votes will help Harper Collins select my story...So pl...VOTE FOR ME :)

This is my entry for the HarperCollins–IndiBlogger Get Published contest, which is run with inputs fromYashodhara Lal and HarperCollins India.


  1. All the best ... voting for u :-)

    1. Thank Green Speck..It really matters :)

      There's another one too...pl read and vote for that too :)

  2. Nice Ekta ...the synopsis was clear with easy language.All the best for the contest!

    1. Thanks Uma, Really appreciate, pl do vote for me at- http://www.indiblogger.in/getpublished/idea/396

  3. Just voted for you. Looks like you are becoming another Julie Garwood.

    Happy New Year Ekta.

    1. Thanks soo much! Who is Julie Garwood? :(

    2. Google it Ekta. Type Julie Garwood wiki. She is one of the best romance novelist in the world. To me, personally, you are India's Julie Garwood.

    3. I just did. Wanted to know ur interpretation first :)

      And yes, I am so flattered by the "jhootha" compliment :)

      Do get me votes on this if you like me to get published :)

  4. Looking forward to the entire story! Best of luck!!

    A very happy new year to you and your family.

    1. Thanks sooo much Meenakshi! Wish you too a very happy new year!

      Do vote for me at http://www.indiblogger.in/getpublished/idea/396
      and here,


  5. I love the fact that boy is an astrologer, looking forward to see how this unfolds...

    And crank calls, it used to such a high in our days. Now, cell phones have taken away that charm :(

    Good Luck Ekta!

    1. Yup, the guy is a businessmen turned modern astrologer. He and his other close friend use to champion crank calls while in their school days and see the girl that he finally falls in love with is another crank call loving school girl.

      Thanks Saru!

  6. intro sounds promising:) eagerly waiting for the full story now that I have voted for it. Good luck Ekta!!

    1. Thanks Reshma. I am glad you liked it. Pl do vote for met at the page! :)

    2. Already voted:)

  7. Wish you all the very best for your entry...
    Thanks for your valuable visit there...


    1. Thanks so much Noopur! Do vote for me! :)

  8. happy new year and I will vote for you :)


    1. Thanks soo much Sush...Wish u a happy new year tooo!

  9. Anonymous08 January

    This one lookss so real..the twists and turns make it very inviting...absolutely looking forward to it...

    1. Thanks Manjulika! Its a simple love story. DO vote for me at get published. The link is above :)

  10. an intesreting read and twisted through :)
    I liked your entry....please visit mine and caste your valuable vote and feedback


    Good Luck dear!

    1. Thanks Jasmeet for liking my story. I sure will read yours and my votes are with you too. Do vote for me as well sweetie :)

      Thanks & Take care!

      Here's another story-

  11. Hi Ekta,

    So, we have a complete story based out of Delhi. Delhi 6, Alag 6? :p :p :p
    Waiting to read the complete version. Wish you luck for the contest.

    Voted for you :) :) :)


    My Blog | My FB Page

    1. Jay baba, ekdum alag che...at least koshish to yehi hai!

      I hope I get selected so I can share the story with world :)

      Thanks I look forward to all of yours support! Cheers.

  12. Interesting read. Wish you good luck.

    1. Thank you sir! Glad you liked it. keep visiting!

  13. An interesting read... looking forward to read the entire story with its own twists n turns :-) voted for you, Ekta. All the best.

    1. Thanks soo much :)
      It's a real life story and nothing lesser than a film. If I get selected, I will probably expand it :)

  14. Anonymous19 January

    Go ahead, this sounds good...:)

    1. Thanks so much! PL do vote for me here- http://www.indiblogger.in/getpublished/idea/396

  15. Best wishes for the contest.......


    1. Thanks so much! PL do vote for me here- http://www.indiblogger.in/getpublished/idea/396

  16. All the best Ekta. Well, when do we get to read the complete story. You got me hooked to this one!

    1. Thanks Mak.

      The organizers will select a story basis votes people get and those who selected would be asked to write complete story.

      PL do vote for me here- http://www.indiblogger.in/getpublished/idea/396

  17. Friendships evolving to love are the best love stories for me........ though, its tough to find love and then to top it, marry the one....in this part of the world....... but, it always makes me feel good and believe.

    1. Yes Hitesh. I truly agree. Marrying ur friend is good as you know each other and more importantly accept each other the way they are. Do materializing a lot of time is difficult.

      This story aimed at same when 2 totally diff people became friend and subsequently got married. They didn't get married so easily and had a big road of obstacles.

      PL do vote for me here- http://www.indiblogger.in/getpublished/idea/396

  18. sounds like an interesting story! all the best!! going to vote for your entry now, and will read and vote for your second entry as well!


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