If looks could kill...

"I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn't exist anymore"
- Sophie Kinsella, Confessions of a shopaholic

Shopper Stop, the leading retail along with Indiblogger has come with an interesting contest- Shoppers Stop Perfect Look. Wherein they have asked to pick our favorite accessories from www.shoppersstop.com put together an ensemble that's the perfect look for this festive season.

Men makes cloths & cloths maketh men. Times are changing, so is our fashion, trends and styling. Today's youth is liberated and is very cautious of what they wear. Its no longer just a heavy dress and loads of jewelery that distinguish cheese from chalk. "Minimalist" is the new mantra.This festive season, do something different...Do something genuine, Something Unique and dare to be different. So when fashion is all about classy and fabulous; it is also about convenience, wear-ability & ease. Living through this theory, here's presenting my ensemble- Minimalist Couture!

My priceless ensemble has-
1.Remanika Ladies Halter neck top (Black)
2. Haute Curry Mix & Match Skirt
3. Carbon Diamond Pendant DPS103888
4. The fine Jewelry Ring
5. Ladies watch- Titan Raga Collection
6. Hidesign Ladies wallet
7. Lemon Pepper Ladies footwear

(For prices, other details and online shopping, pl check www.shoppersstop.com)

This ensemble is designed keeping the youngsters and young adults from age 12 to 40 yrs in mind. Isn't that a fab concept that fits from 12 to 40 and yet look chic. The look is not just simple yet classy too with Titan Raga watch and Carbon Diamond pendant embellishing the look, the footwear is not just peppy but gives a lift up look that goes well with long skirt as these. Additionally, you can use a black, maroon, yellow or a multicolor Dupatta/ stole over your top.

I have played primarily with three colors (depicting festivity) Red, Yellow & Black. Gold & silver is thrown in between to merge & blend the look seamlessly. The beauty of this ensemble is that it can be individually mixed and matched with various outfits- traditional and western, casual & formal.

Well, all I would say- It's not an ensemble but an investment!

"I don't think I could live without hair, makeup and styling, let alone be the performer I am. I am a glamour girl through and through. I believe in the glamorous life and I live one".                                                                                       Lady Gaga

The Make up: When is true style complete without make up. Well, Shopper stop does have everything for everyone and without mincing words, here's a make up ideas from one of the featured brand- Maybelline.

8. Maybelline Expert Wear Eye Shadow Quad Seashore Frosts- The four in one eye shadow to up your face quotient by accentuating your assets.
9. Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Liner Black - To create that dramatic or demure look.
10. Maybelline Color Sensational Moisture Extreme Lip Color Silver Sand - Just a touch up to fill in that perfect pout.
11. Maybelline Colorama Nail Enamel Atracao Fatal - One coat to enhance your slender fingers. 
12Maybelline Colossal VolumExpress Mascara Washable Black- To give volume to your lashes and make them speak thousand words without saying.

Hope you will like my concept and ensemble.To surf more amid the wide range of apparel and accessories , pl do visit www.shoppersstop.com.  Oh yes, they have some amazing offers and discounts going on too. What more? Don't forget to become First Citizen.

Happy Shopping! Happy Shopper Stopping!!!
Disclaimer: The ensemble/post is purely the blogger's concept basis the apparels & accessories on Shoppers Stop website. The author (so far) is proud to have the concept unique from many other designs as submitted for this contest. Request people to build their own ideas and refrain from copying or reproducing the same.
Be original, stop piracy!


  1. I seems you have actually made effort to figure out what should go into making the whole ensemble look classy and it is. I loved the watch that you have paired with this dress. The dress and accessories complement each other. Something very comfortable and yet elegant to wear.

    1. Thanks so much meenakshi. Yes I did chose each assemble carefully n tried multiple pairing, matching to bring the look. For e.g. shoes- I 've matched at least half a dozen to make it complement the couture n still fit the theme.
      I was very clear abt the look that I browsed over hundred times to spot what I want. And I m so glad that u liked it too. :)

  2. Loved the ensemble.. all the best for the contest

    1. Thanks soon much Roshan! Am glad that u liked the look.

  3. Awesome...you should write more on fashion and things all bling. you have such a classy taste!

    1. Thanks Alpa! I am glad you wrote that!

  4. Nice ensemble :) I am not much into shopping actually but all around me do that :D All the best for the contest :)

    1. Thanks Hari! Me too...I am not into shopping much...I mean the browsing stuff...I just go and buy on spot on first look basis.

  5. pretty idea :)


  6. nice!!! lovely blog :)
    do drop by sometime and if u like we could follow each other :) lemme know :)

  7. Loved your ensemble Ekta :)I can't wait to lay my hands on the skirt and the watch of the lot...

    1. Thanks soo much Reshma...They two, too r my favorites too :)

  8. I definitely liked your collection. Very different!! Good Luck D for the Sunsilk thing! tc

    1. Thanks TSW...No plans for sunsilk yet..I wrote this post at least a month back but see finally posted a day back...Sunsilk is miles away :)

      Are u writing?

  9. loved it!loved it!

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    You know the value of dollar to rupees!

    if you are interested you can sign up here www.neobux.com/?r=calicer1996

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  10. Great ensemble. good luck for the contest !

  11. Certainly a winning ensemble. well accessorized. good luck with the contest, Ekta.

  12. Nice )) All the best Ekta!

  13. Refreshing....All the best
    PS- Aren't you the 'Ekta Khaitan' who was my Mumbai teammate?

    1. Thanks Ritesh. My design loved your adjective.

      Yes, I am Ekta but am not sure which Mumbai team you talking about. It helps me to understand bit more :)

    2. Mumbai Bloggywood, from IBL. Ya, I bet you are the same Ekta...Now, don't give me a no for a reply :D

    3. yeah...I am same Ekta. Why would I say no when you r not incorrect? :0)

    4. Hehe.... :P

      Following you now

  14. A very comprehensive collection and a lovely write up too, Ekta:) Best wishes for the contest!!


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