A Yoga Tablet a day is indeed a #BetterWay

Hello There,
I am Digital Yogi-
a Gen Y Computing

This is NumeroUnity- a GenY Telecom Professional, Blogger, Gadget Freak, Internet Junkie, Poet, reader, movie buff, music lover, Photography enthusiast and Gaming nerd. These are few words that describe me and my multiple need.  [In short, I'm an Internet & Computing Bunny singh YO-YO, technology weed pe ;)]

I don multiple hats and hence I always need a product that can cater to my versatile needs and make my life simpler and #BetterWay to live. 

My current gadgets like laptop, PC,
Camera has become an ancient dinosaur
around my neck! Run Lola Run!
And I must say how sick and tired I am of carrying my heavy laptop, multiple gadgets everywhere I travel :( Along comes a bulky charger and a bulky shoulder bag. Such things can never be my companion on the go. 

Bulky, cumbersome, wired, my life look weird with school girl bag everywhere. I need a SOLUTION!

After all permutations, combinations and woe arisen from commutations around the country, events, Technology seminars, Conferences, Shopping, picnic, brainstorming [read washing] et cetera, I realized am carrying too big a "baggage" and hence came to a conclusion that I need to buy a device that can cater all my need and still have stuffs, apps and usage to induce my breed. Ladies & Gentlemen- Its is a tablet that I greed! Phew! 

Poof! Before I could blink,
I heard my phone clink
"buy me", "buy me"
all sales people plink

The market is full of products
Gizmo, gadgets one after another
why need just a tablet?

I have an "eye phone"
which gives me reading red eyes
Not apt for my presentations
too many buttons for RSI.
A bulky camera with 3D & monochrome
it's sea of products, all looks same
I have multiple needs
and I need ONE Product to tame

Never say never
better be late
Technology is booming
with a sleeky geeky tablet
Things that my tablet does and my everyday life with a tablet-
So I said I don many a hat. Here's how a tablet meet all my thinking hat. 
I am singing a tablet song, Are you all ready to sing along?

My Professional HAT
I am telecom product manager cum analyst
works at CEO office as catalyst
I need to be connected
all day/night long
I need to be fast on my mail
approve all requests without fail
Office, home, on road
I work on my data and clear all load
So, you wanna have a client meeting in coffee shop?
Here I come- Skip, Jump, Hop

My tablet as my personal organizer
My tablets has a calender
a "post it" and astrid reminder
It plans my events
and alerts my notifications
It tells me my "to-do" list
crunch it to give me gist
So why should I carry that bulky diary?

My Tablets as an entertainer
I watch many movies
and download new songs
I can play Karoake
and sing all along
I can log in to YouTube
and download any video
Damn I can shoot my own
edit, upload & share
I need no etc pluggins
my tablets processors takes care
it is freakin' easy

A Tablet a day for Internet Junkie
I can connect anytime
and browse over Internet
The deals around the town
best place to have banquet
Near field communication
at it's best
a single click and I can browse
the world wide web

Tablet- My social Media Evangelist
I go online
and check the latest film reviews
I log into social media
happily tweets my view
Hey Ashton Kutcher is my twitter buddy
for those who didn't knew ;)

I love to log into Facebook
all day through
read my friends updates
comments, post pictures in lieu
and share the election news
It is a great tool to chat
catch up on all friends
Multimedia sets my experience apart

My Tablet and Photography
I am photo junkie
my taste varies from classic n funky
I love photography, I love to click
I use my tablet
and take snapshot
There's multiple apps in my tablet
I use for my pictures to share & post
Pininterest, Flickr, Instagram
are all my extended arms
I am a tablet photography freak!

My multi utility tablet
I can book my ticket anytime
for film, theater or music show
No more waiting in long queues
no more asking for a preferred row
I book my flight
web check in all right
I cancel my tickets often quite

I pay my utility bills 
I clear my laundry list
I ping my mamma at home
and replay her favorite serial
comedy show or whole 3D Dolby film

A Tablet for my Gamester Hat
I am a gaming fan
who takes her levels serious
There ain't any game
that I cannot crack
Angry birds, Ninza fruit or temple run
my games are travel companion
I speed, I farm, I weave, I thrill
I hook on to my tablet for games
gaming makes me relax n chill

My tablet song will go on
cause there's no dearth of amazing things
that a tablet does for me
that's why I said
A "tablet" is must for my well being!

Tablet is for those people who domulti tasking, at home and on move

I am a "Super Tablet" Digital Yogi

So that was my "tablet #BetterWay song". I hope that all of you did sing along. There's a lot that a tablet does. There's a lot in a tablet that is a must. To me top things that I look from my tablet is- Speed, Storage capacity, good picture resolution, ease of usage and handling, longggg battery life, scratch proof and what not. One most prime thing today is- ease of usage. Since a tablet is such a life companion, it should be handy and prevent RSI. One day I would like my tablet to work on "AI" and help me advise, listen, understand and talk my problems. Let my tablet be my agony aunt:) I just wish I get a beautiful tablet soon with better speed, experience, handling. I want my tablet as befitting as YOGA that not just spiritualize my mind but optimize my physical convenience as well.

Larger the apps, it helps bridging technology gaps.
This post is written for Lenovo and Indiblogger contest. To know mre about the new age Lenovo Yoga Tablet, click here-
Lenovo on Facebook
Pictures: Numerounity


  1. I love the graphics...all the best for the contest!

  2. Amazing post ma'am. Best wishes :)

  3. interesting poem, Ekta.. and cool art. liked that much. all the best :)

  4. I loved the tablet song . May be it will be a hit like Kolaveri ;)
    All the best. How did u make those pictures ?

    1. Hey Thanks so much Afshan..Yes thats a good idea indeed! :)

  5. Nice post and indeed wonderful graphics! Best wishes :)

    The Arts & Me

    1. Thanks so much Sindhu! Do the Yoga, do the Lenovo :)

  6. Miss Cartoonist I really love the cartoons :)

    1. Thanks Deepti...I love you my buddy :)
      Let's do Yoga together and win a Yoga tablet :)

  7. Wonderful! just Innovative :)

    1. Thanks Avadhoot! Hope Lenovo India too likes it :)

  8. Amazing graphics. All the best for the contest.

    1. Thanks Kiran..My content too is worth reading :)

  9. Very creative post... Those graphics simply hooked me. Specially the superwoman one :)

    1. Thanks soo much Priyanka:) I am glad that you liked my work..Hard work pays when someone appreciates it :)

  10. Wow.. Beautifully Written.. Nice Selection of graphics..

    "And I must say how sick and tired I am of carrying my heavy laptop everywhere I travel :( "-- Yes, it must be difficult but "ekta is fullll of energy !! right?

    1. Thanks Raj...what is your blog id and real name? I am just intrigued :)

  11. Wow... what an amalgamation to showcase all of your skills in a way that serves the purpose of the contest as well.

    all the best !

    1. Thats so sweet of you Neeraj! Many thanks :)

  12. Well deserved! Congratulations :)

  13. interesting......congratulations for the win

  14. Wonderfully done.... Congrats on the win :)

  15. Congratulations! your richly deserve it.

    1. Thanks Kalpana, I am glad that you liked it :) XOXO

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


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