This 2 Shall P.A.S.S.

OMG! It was one of the worst nightmare ever. I am glad that it ended over soon. I woke up and pinched myself. Whoaaaa! That's me alive.

I was breathing and breathing slowly. Notwithstanding my fellow passenger in the next seat in my aircraft, my nightmare started turning real. The person next to me was sleeping away to glory and snoring away to gory hysteria of producing avoidable sounds from his nose, embedded with hairs.  

Men! He is smelly! He is a living walking ghost. Oh no! he is not as handsome or cleanshaven as Lee & Berry's Phantom but a living embodiment of a Neanderthal man who is yet to discover the beauty of shaving and male grooming. I hate his stubble...I hated his smelly stubble.

I reached out my bag and took out my deo soap and had a sniff at it. Another hand reached for my eye pad that I slipped over and tried to sleep but was disturbed by nightmares of beards around me including one on me.

Last few hours since we boarded the journey turned very unpleasant for me. I loved the food they served on flight. It was yummy noodles today. But a look over his over grown stubble laden face and I lost my appetite. Hell hath no fury when he tried to talk to me. I pretended to be be busy reading my book and turned away hoping that either the hostess helps me to change my seat in that crowded plane.

Oh Men! why don't you shave and look good? I wished if good sense prevail to him & he chops off that smelly, unhygienic stubble in middle of night.

Sighed nothing happened and I was left to mercy of time. Fast landing please!

This post is a part of the Protest Against Smelly Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda
I also complete tag from friend Sarav here!
I tag my friend- Arvind Passey here!


  1. May you win a prize this time! :)

    Arvind Passey

    1. Awww thats soo sweet. Thank u soo much :)

  2. Nice to see you tagging me here... will write my next post in response to this one. have tagged you as well.

    Arvind Passey

    1. Thank u so much! In my third post i.e. tomorrow I will happily respond to your tag :)
      Look forward to your post as well.

  3. Hmm but men like stubble Ekta :) Nice I have tagged you here Hope you will accept the tag :)

    1. But stubble is soo unclean and unhygienic buddy! :)

      Thanks for your tag, will respond you in my next post and tag you there too :)

  4. Love the airplane and dream plot lines. Very creative :D

    And hey, I saw your comment in the blogadda page about the poetry-as-second-entry thing. And since mine was one of the two second entries that was in verse, I was wondering if you meant me? While I was looking at more of a letter and a continuation of my Boy-Girl character theme before posting mine I wanted to make sure I didn't inadvertently make you feel like I did anything resembling yours. 'cause I take plagiarism very seriously and that would not be cool at all! Would gladly make necessary tweaks if you let me know. :) You have a nice blog, btw!

    1. Hey no sweats...I have had few bad experiences and I was still nursing myself from them...I am glad that you took it up so maturely and simply.
      Welcome to my blog and yes, in my 3rd post I have tagged you for the contest. Do let me know if you responds the tags:) Cheers :)

  5. If this was a real experience, it would have been horrible. Sometimes, we end up some stinky 300 lbs. fatso as our fellow seat mate.

    1. It happens SG..often the co passengers or colleagues smell really bad.on top of that they make lousy sounds like burp etc..Gosh!

  6. What all one writes for winning a contest / prize......


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