Gifts for my Unborn Child

Yo Ho Ho! It is that time of year when the air is filled with festivity and cheer. 
There's a Santa everywhere distributing gifts and love

I believe parents give their child the best of all support, comfort, convenience, luxury, education policy etc and those will not form my gift ideas today as those are bare necessities. I would rather use this wonderful idea by HDFC and give you things that play crucial role in a child's development and well being but often we take them for granted.

After all, it is not just about this Christmas but also about gift for a lifetime.

I am woman and being mother is naturally gifted to me by God. I may be single today but I do dream of becoming a mother one day. I have been part of raising few kids in my household and I know how even the little things count when it comes to upbringing of a child.

I remember how my parents just to make me happy, used to play Santa to me and gifting me new things every year. I would encourage this practice even in my child. I call it- "Hope Project" wherein I will teach my kid(s) to believe in good things to come, to work earnestly for them, tuck them up like wishes in socks near your bedside.  That would be my first gift t my child i.e.-

1) Believe in good things to come, no matter what- The Hope Project

My second gift idea from the season would be- To Spread the Cheer. I would not make them buffoon but teach them act of being warm hearted, vibrant and wrap everyone with happiness and good cheer

2) Art of spreading Cheer

My third gift would be- Gift of investment. Investment is an art and no economy thrives wherein people' income= people' spend and zero investment.
I will teach them how to spend a portion of their money, invest another portion in simple easy ways. To help in this endeavor, I will help open a bank account for them wherein, I would invest a sum of money every month and seek my child' input to manage them. Not just monetary, I will try inculcate in them how investments can range from money-back to policy to fixed deposit to books and even education.

3) Gift of investment

My fourth gift for the child would be my time. I shall ensure that I give them sufficient time with me and self so that they grow better, understand more. They say- the best gift we can give to some one in life is- Time.

This gift will ensure that I spend adequate time with them, give them space re allocate time advocacy in different walks of life.

4) Gift of time

Merry Christmas to all
Customers of HDFC & Readers of Blogadda
For the final gift I pondered a lot of things. Seriously there are many things that I wanted to gift them but to chose one is like taking a pearl from ocean or a needle from haystick. So out of numerous ideas in my mind, I chose to gift my child- art of self defense.

Yes, seeing the way crime rates are shooting up the roof, round the town, as a human being, as parent what worries me most is the safety of a child. Either a training in Karate or Martial Art of whatever form of self defense and safety mechanism, I will ensure that my child is well qequipped  with it.

5) Gift of Safety & defense.

This post is a part of the 1001 Gifts Activity by HDFC Life in association with BlogAdda


  1. Great Post Ekta.Loved it.

  2. of all the gifts i think gift of time is the best

    1. Thanks Aparna..yes, it is one gift that brings with it, all other gifts too!

  3. Wonderful gifts u have mentioned there! And the cartoons are just awesome! How do u make them online?

  4. You should have been a 'cartoonist'.. i am amazed how do u create such beautiful graphics.. And "hope project" is just brilliant.. keep it up.. i liked all the ideas and shall remember when i get married..

    1. Thanks so much Raj... DO you blog too?

  5. Cartoons are amazing. article is good too. BTW, , a very happy new year to you and your readers :-)

    1. Thanks so much Paresh...HNY to u too :)
      If possible, pl do vote for me at Blogadda awards

  6. As usual on the mark... Happy New Year to all the people in your life...

  7. Let me say... Amen!

    Happy 2014 sweety :)

  8. Nice gifts chosen.

    Happy new year :-)

  9. Nice n happy new year :)

  10. good write up. Above anything gifting time is the best one I believe. If a parent can manage to spend a quality tym with their children, other gifts will follow... all the best for the contest dear :)

  11. I loved the cartoons Ekta. And a very good post as usual. I hope 2014 brings you the gifts you desire :)


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