God will make a way!

There is a song, a prayer that I always hum. I sing it when I need motivation; I sing it when I need help. I sing it when I am sitting; I sing it when I am moving around. It's a beautiful prayer taught to me by my friends in Satyabhama hostel. Thanks Jessy, Thanks Nimmie, Thanks Bhavana and thanks all of you. Today, my dear blogdosts, i would like to share this beautiful song with you all. In happiness, in despair, in agony and even when you may not care. keep this song to your heart and, you will see miracles happening! Here's the divine song-

God will make a way, where there seems to be no way.
He works in way we cannot see; He will make a way for me
He will be my guide, holding closely to his side
With love n strength, each new day-Lord will make a way.
God will make a way.

When I walk in bewilderness, he leads me
Rivers in the desert, I see
Heaven n earth fades away, his words remain true always
He will do something new, today.

God will make a way!
Lord will make a way, where there seems to be no way.
Praise God!

PS: To all my dear Christian friends, I tried to keep the lyrics as original as remembered. in case, if there is any slip ups, pl forgive me. Do care to correct.

The prayer song on youtube: God will make a way


  1. Excellent prayer song. Very motivational. God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. Very meaningful.

  2. There is an award waiting for you. Please visit my Blog and pick it up. Thanks.

  3. thats indeed a good one eku...
    ekdum inspirational...

  4. @ SG
    Thanks buddy! I will do the needful soon.

  5. @ Yogesh
    Thanks buddy!

  6. Anonymous13 June

    How are you Ekta???

    this is very nice... loved it :) :)

  7. for those who like christian songs!! this is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee! :) yu disapperead Ekta! :) hows yu

  8. i would beg of god to give me the positivity to believe in what is being said in the prayer here :)

  9. @Kanuga
    Hi, buddy. me doing fine. Thanks for visiting. Hows u?:)

  10. @ Hary
    Thanks buddy. It's not just a christian or a hindu song. It's a human song. It really inspires!

  11. ekta ji...thanks for sharing..u do have a noble intention..best wishes always....

  12. I don't know about the lyrics but it is so true.
    Things happen in a positive way when we least expect it.

  13. @ Ramesh
    Thanks a ton. Best wishes for u too :)

  14. @Haddock

    True. There r things that happens in a way when we least expect it. thats life buddy:)

  15. Anonymous16 June

    This is my first visit and I just loved the prayer. "He will do something new today" how true :)

  16. @vineetasdiary

    Welcome to my blog and keep ur faith intact:)

  17. hahaha
    Whn i first saw ur blog,i thought i have entered nandita das' blog!
    hehe u do look like her u know :)

    Anyway..i liked ur song..
    I was trying to sing this song to the tunes of tht song
    "Mitwa...Love will find a way..jaaniye heeriye jaaniye heeriye"
    from KANK

    And Lovely blog by the way..
    :) Now i have a found a new place to spam with my comments :D :D :D

  18. @ rakesh
    Thanks n welcome to my blog. I must give ur compliments to Nandita and he he she will be sooo happy.

    The prayer has it's own tone, may be i shall add that soon. But if U search by the song keywords on google u may find it too.

    Keep visiting and ditto for me too. For you have an interesting blog as well :)

  19. @ A
    Thanks A. Went thru ur blogs too. It's nice too. keep visiting :)

  20. Long Time, How Have You Been?

  21. karapatri24 June

    "when thy song flows through me
    when thy song flows through me
    oh life is sweet and death a dream
    life is sweet and death a dream
    when thy song flows through me,my lord!
    oh health is sweet, sickness a dream
    when thy song flows through me.
    when thy song flows through me."
    Ekta for you.

  22. @ Vee
    Me been good. how about you? :)

  23. @ Karapatri

    You wrote it?

  24. wonderful lines..
    been a long time I have been here.
    gotta catchup with what I missed!

  25. definitely not.i use to visit this
    place called yogada satsang (a PARMAHAMSA YOGANANDA SOCIETY ) where i heard this chant. you had mentioned
    how you'd keep this song in your heart and i was reminded of this chant. here is the complete song.
    " O life is sweet
    And death a dream
    O life is sweet
    And death a dream
    When thy song flows through me, my lord
    When thy song flows through me

    Then health is sweet
    Sickness a dream
    Then health is sweet
    Sickness a dream
    When thy song flows through me, my lord
    When thy song flows through me

    Then joy is sweet
    Sorrow a dream
    Then joy is sweet
    Sorrow a dream
    When thy song flows through me, my lord
    When thy song flows through me

    Then praise is sweet
    And blame a dream
    Then praise is sweet
    And blame a dream
    When thy song flows through me, my lord
    When thy song flows through me"

  26. @ Karapatri

    Nice one. Take care :)

  27. hi Ekta,
    thanks for posting this...God sure makes the way

  28. @ Vinnie

    Thank you buddy. Its really nice to see you back. Long time. how have u been :)

  29. @ A
    Definitely. Planning to post my new post soon:)

  30. Lovely prayer song ekta.... really the one I would like to say everyday.... words like this are really light hearted !! nice to see yur post after a long time!

  31. Haven't seen you for a month. Are you OK.

  32. Anonymous11 August

    well its really nice to see ur comment.. it may be late, but its better late than never..
    and i never expected that u will bother to comment on my blog, but u did i am obliged.
    u always write about the wrong side of MFH, why dont u see him as Picasso of India
    http://ridsabs.blogspot.com/2010/03/quit-india.html this my blog on MFH
    I dont write as good as u..
    but still i give a try
    so do give it read if u have time
    that will be very nice of you..

  33. Just trying to msg to see if u r still getting comments despite ur blog getting hacked???

  34. @ Hary
    Thanks buddy. Where are you these days?

    @ SG
    Thanks, I am ok..how u doing?

  35. @ Rolling stone
    Thanks for writing in :)

    Well I am not against MF Hussain..I was against the hindu-muslim act. I respect 7 appreciate him as an artist. And yes, I will try to win my lazy self & read ur blog on MFH:)

    Keep writing in :)

    It's working...you see :)

  36. Anonymous18 November

    Супер современные новости http://новостипланеты.рф

  37. Anonymous19 November

    все о науке http://novnauki.ru


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