Dear Friends,

Thanks for your myriad and interest responses. Surya you were so close even though I did not give you hints like I did for Rammy & Mayank. Mayank, pet mein "butterflies" ghoom rahi hai? :)
BTW, Surya Kannan, Many thanks for your comment. It was so brilliantly written and wished for. All I can say- "Amen" and may God bless you too:)

Well there guys, this is not about the beautiful Airtel ad featuring Saifeena and Sarah Janes. Coincidentally, this ad just came after 18th August 2009. What happened on 18th August 2009? Well, watch this video to know more. [Don't forget to keep your speakers on]

About TITLI 2009 [Tata Indicom Theme Leadership Initiative]

The video is self explanatory. It was an event/national contest that was kick-started in the month of Feb 09 and after too many major hiccups [like project identification, team formation, corporate politics, complex financial/system analysis], the project still moved on and got better by the day! Then came fresh breeze of motivation in form of learned judges, critics and supportive friends. Hiccups were still there, but then what is life without any hiccup? :) This underdog refused to "hic" and here is our "hip, hop Hurrah" moment!

As always, time for disclaimer: This is my 1st attempt of this kind, so pl be kind to me:)

Talking about hiccups, they did not end there. I wanted to share my this temporary "moment of glory" with all my friends here. One of the major hiccups that came my way [pl do not laugh] was to convert this video from movie maker too.WMA file. Guys, I already told you that I have never ever tried any such software or made a video before. I was just browsing through the pictures and somehow the idea stuck to me. And that TVC at that moment was another wow trigger.

They say na- If you truly want something, the entire universe conspires to help you. Well, I tried again two days back and discovered the solution. Believe me, it was sooo easy- no file converters etc needed! Cool so I was ready to post but the software played kaput and storyboard corrupted, the song did not fit in and at last Internet connectivity got crashed for a day. Dude, never say die and never give keep esp for things close to your heart. Finally, things were restored and before any new crisis comes, here I am with another adventure [s]. Enjoy:)

PS: Special thanks to Airtel for coming up with such a brilliant song at such an apt time! I hope you won't mind my further publicizing your wonderful creative on my "personal blog" :)


  1. Anonymous16 December

    Wonderful beginning! Many more mile-stones to be crossed. You are destined for great and grand things in life.

    Amazing synchronization and presentation. Keep rocking.

    All the best!!

  2. How can u say that... I for sure had nominated u long ago u mentioned that ...

  3. way to go... its just a milestone and I know that u will go a long way in your life.. Congrats for titli as well as for such a wonderful video..

  4. @ Surya
    Thanks a ton Buddy. Such an adulating remarks:)

    @ Vee
    Did you? I mean the AGB? Cool...thanks buddy...I do not recall though but its a nice thingy to know:)

    @ Monkey
    Thank you and ditto:)

  5. Ok, in simple words, what was the video all about ??? :D :D :D :D :D

    For a first time, the video is good !! you should try softwares like Sony Vegas 8; its amazing ! All the best !

  6. wow, you even blog for your company...amazing..your boss would be proud of you. BTW tatas are known for their quiality professional work culture. I am an Ex-TATA...Keep it up....:D

  7. Dear Vimmu

    It was about an all India intra company business design competition called TITLI- Tata Indicom Theme Leadership Initiative.

    The company gives us a theme to build/suggest an operational business practice on that theme and the HR criteria. [All the stats r given in the beginning of presentation]. We needed to form a team of min 3 and max 4 members incl a mgt trainee. I have formed a team, built the idea and together we developed and presented the business idea to panel of judges at different level- state, regional and national level to the apex committee. We won the competition hands down for the theme and clarity of presentation.

    Trust that clarifies. Let me know if u want to understand any further:)

    The video is soleley made out of pictures and was looking better in the movie maker file. I would love to try Vega as u suggested. Thanks buddy

    @ ZB
    No buddy this is though abt the company contest but its not a blog for my company. I dont know about rest of TATAs nor how proud ppl in my company are:)

    All I know that I am happy that I have taken all that challenge and prove myself once again, against all discrimination n self introspection, Meanwhile making some good frens n acquaintances:)

  8. Congrats ekta... :) I am reading from my mobile... Will see this weekend...

  9. Congratulations. This is the first step in your long journey for many many more achievements.

  10. @ Kanagu
    Thanks buddy...hope you see it soon. Its uploaded on YouTube as well!

    @ SG
    Many thanks :)

  11. Good beginning ya.. thanks for visiting my blog..

  12. hey nice blog ya..

  13. Wow congrats buddy! That was something creative and innovative! Good work :)

  14. @ Vijay & Sun

    Thanks a ton! Welcome to my blog:)

    @ Aditya
    Thanks buddy! keep visiting. Next post is coming soon!

  15. Lovely...thats great!!!

  16. @ Nazish

    Thanks buddy. Seen you after long time. Merry X'Mas :)

  17. Happy New Year Numerounity.

  18. Ekta...sooo very proud of yu !!

  19. @ SG
    Thanks n same to you too:)

    @ Hary
    Thanks buddy and Happy New year! :)

  20. a very happy new year to you Ekta.... :) :)

  21. @ Kanagu

    Thanks buddy and wish you a very happy new year too!


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