3 Words Wednesday- Too late

June 27, 2012 17 Comments

Prompt words: Cling, Murmur and Taken

(I have clubbed this with 55 word fiction to make it crisp & try my hand with latter- another from my blog to do list. Pl read & give your feedbacks. Sorry for sounding cliche` if it may be.)

She cling on to him and murmured in his ear-"pl don't let me go please, I am losing out". "I love you to core" he said but too late. Her hands fall numb & tears cold. She could no longer hear him, for she was taken away, taken to a world of no return.

The autor is half Human, half machine. Go Figure or just revel in what I write


  1. I cling to your post for a long time. I used to murmur something in frustration when, during the past, you did not write frequently. I am taken by your writing skills and want to write like you, especially poems.

    1. SG....

      That was lovely 7 absolutely brilliant. PL visit the link in my mail and submit your entry there...too good!

      I will try to write more frequently. Since you asked- you suffer ;)

    2. "&" and nor 7...typo :)

  2. Anonymous27 June

    I will cling on to this too... coz I am on the verge of losing my sanity... ! in many ways though not about love but pretty much same sort of state of mind I am in..

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. HItchie...take care buddy and be good.

  3. I read your post interesting and informative. I am doing research on bloggers who use effectively blog for disseminate information.My Thesis titled as "Study on Blogging Pattern Of Selected Bloggers(Indians)".I glad if u wish to participate in my research.Please contact me through mail. Thank you.

  4. Hmmmmmmmmmmm..................

  5. Hey... I am very pleased at how you have utilized those 3 words into your creative thoughts. Well Done! Love to read more from you. Nice little piece!

    1. Thanks Sanchyeta...you too can try your hand and let me know...will love to see your thoughts on same 3 words...btw they have new prompts that you can use.

  6. Hi, I am happy to be here..loved the look of your blog.. two things fascinated me...one, "Original since 1980"..indeed that empblodens me for I couldn't be a second-hander since 1960...and second by now you know...my faviourite book too is the one that is yours..

    Well, you have weaved three words very well into a heart-wrenching scene..hope she could hear finally what she wanted to..sometimes it takes life times..no..

    Will be back..and thanks for your visit.. I invite you to visit my 100th post here:

    1. Hi,

      Thank you so much for your nice remarks and liking my blog. I discovered your blog from one of these prompts and must say was hooked to your writings. they are quite good.

      Yeah, I need to write "original" thing as I recently discovered someone who copied my alias, "about me" and use this as her personal blog. So this was to avoid confusion & bring truth :)

      Pl do check my recent post on MAG & OSI prompts (My firsts there & appreciate your comments)
      I am on your blog right now :)

  7. Thanks will sure do that.

  8. Nice post Ekta....:)
    If you look at it from another perspective...it becomes WW3....World War 3....my my...:D

  9. seems like an interesting book .. will pick it up !


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