Outside My Digital Fortress

Adolphe Valette

Outside my digital fortress
I see
blurred images,
of buildings, structures
and human being.

the dim landscape
or is it the fog
the blear colors
All blue, grey, cold

Outside my digital fortress
I hear,
that life has moved,
many seasons has turned
past of me.

Outside my digital fortress
I need to go.
Step out
from my nightmare.
breath in and live,
before it fades away,
the life that encompasses me.

Do we all carry such an obscure image of things outside our digital fortress? Think about it

Image Prompt: The Magpie Tale
Other Prompt: Nightmare.


  1. What an interesting way to interpret our digital word... are we really that confined? I have not the right answer... but I guess it could happen...

  2. Good question for all of us...are we in touch with the real world or not, more or less than before? Reality speaks.

  3. Very well penned and pertinent question... Food for some serious thought!!

  4. Yes, the digital world can be our nightmare - and more yes, get out of it and see whats here before your time is gone.

  5. My husband would like the term digital fortress, where I dwell for too long every day.

  6. A lot of truth in this...We brew in our seclusion and make monsters of everything outside of our digital cave.

  7. Prisoners of abstraction

  8. Interesting take- I think we all need to go outside now.

  9. Good food for thought. And I liked the term "digital fortress."

  10. Yes, we need to breathe and live. Come out of the cage :)

  11. This is so true about our use of the digital world. So many walk around hiding behind it. Good thoughts!

  12. Excellent question. How has the new world through a small screen changed our perception! Wonderful!

  13. I quite like my digital fortress...


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