A Poetry In Your Garden

She is like an afflorse
oblivious of the thorns 
in her world

a neophyte beauty
awaken to a song of love.

tend her with love
water her with dreams

protect her from the harsh weather
and misogynist gleam

she is a man's woman,
a man's daughter

Plant her like
a poetry in your garden

picture: Sally Kate


Every child is like a pretty flower and deserves her/his right to live, dream and survive. Off late, a lot of atrocities against a girl child, are reported in India. It is disheartening. I have been raising voice against female infanticide, child rape and exploitation through my blog. I know mere voices may not help. Required a strict law system and sensitivity amongst the populace. 

Treat women with love and dignity. It reflects your character and not hers.


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  1. Lovely poetry and delightful photo ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ahead ~ ^_^

  2. I especially like the final two lines.. a very poetic account of daughters.

  3. wonderful poem.... the final lines are hearttouching

    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

  4. A girl child sometimes lives in a perilous time, "tend her with love, water her dreams' is what we should all wish for them.

  5. Simply breathtaking...!❤️

  6. Very beautifully penned thoughts!

  7. Very beautiful and a cute picture !

  8. cute. but your underlying message is quite depressing!

  9. Lovely photo and an important message.

  10. Just lovely.....like too good

    There is a "Letter Writing Challenge" starting from January 30th. It would be amazing if you could participate in it.
    Here is the link for it http://mrsdashsayss.blogspot.in/2017/01/12-weeks-of-letter-writing-challenge.html


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