Domestic Violence

His words squiggled in her memory
his abuses, could not let her sleep
She was ashamed of herself.
Nothing can treat him.

She was haunted by his actions
Harsh, Gloomy and Intense
laden with the physical threat.

"It is your fault" he told her.
He told her repeatedly.
she cried in desolation
even that did not console him.

Domestic Violence is not just
about the physical pain.
It can tear the most able-bodied,
in spirit, social and Mentally!

Violence is not a righteous behaviour. Do not let it enter your household, your thoughts, your life.


Domestic Violence is as prevalent in our society as prevalent is our tradition. It is an age-old tradition that our society does not want to impart away with. Why? I ask why? Why a man or a woman needs to overpower an argument or a conflict with violence? What gives us a right to consider the another person wrong and worthy enough to get abused? Why can't love, compassion or empathy be a tool to all our problems? Why a woman needs to be told that she is dependent on someone? Why a woman need to get dependant on someone, financially, physically or emotionally?

Stop the Abuse. 
cause it leaves the scars that never heals.


Written for Three Word Wednesday. Prompt words included- Intense, Haunt and Gloomy!


  1. Very well written Ekta !! You know what few days back I watched ad on fb of some brand on same topic was about a lady in Parlor telling to short her hair .. short..shorter n in last she said "make it so short that no one can hold it.." it brings me in tears ...

    1. I can imagine it and yes, it saddens me too.


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