Prisoners of War

Flight Of Freedom

He holds all gut
and ran with all his might. 
Talking to the winds
propelling upright.

Into the crimson sun
fading from the sight.
Over the blues of water
turning dark from light.

The bruised Indian soldier
took his big flight,
flight of freedom
from the prison of plight.

where he held captivated
away from his army's sight.
tortured and mutilated every day
and every night.

Prisoners of war
captured by the enemy's site
undergoes an inhuman treatment
that will chill you with fright.

This is for all the soldiers 
who lay their life
fighting for their motherland,
holding the tricolor up and tight.

War is not a justice
but a blot on humanity.
a sad revelation of mankind
that leaves peace for false vanity

The land that you spit on,
is the land that we die for.
You call it soil, I call it Nation
Murmured the mutilated soldier
who was killed
while attempting,
A Flight of Freedom!


Among the many vices of the war, the treatment meted to the prisoners of war is one of the ugliest. There are many Indian soldiers, captivated by the cruel Pakistani forces are forced to live a brutal, painful life every day. It is not about the country or even your reason for unrest and war. It is about humanity and human dignity. Practice humanity and everything will be sorted on its own!


  1. There is the front of war we watch and read about, and so much more background which is the depth of war. It's what a country does in secret that shows its truer stripes. Great write.

  2. In a way I find the rules of war a bit odd... to me war itself is breaking rules.

  3. A very sad poem about a very sad plight. Your passion is speaks for itself. Thanks for participating. k.

  4. It's terrible for the sons of the soil being captured. This story touched the mind thinking about torture and running in the quest for freedom. You've capture the emotions so well.


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