Of Birthday Girl, birth-Gay boys and the Railway budget

It is July! July, the augustic month of blue-black clouds, earthy rain and natural hearth. Finally, some drop of rain from the scorching skies of Kolkata. May be god was pleased with the completion of “Bandra worli sea link” in Mumbai and decided to shower some mercy or something like that. Come on let us not be thankless and must enjoy the blessings of life then looking at the weaker side of it. Otherwise, someone will again remark that I have a bad nature of finding flaws in things.

Coming back to July, July is a special month indeed. 4th of July marked freedom for American nation and 2nd July for the Indian “Gay nation”. Homosexuality is now an accepted expression of speech, race and preference. The Gay community is having “naz” on them and celebrating their so-called freedom. If freedom means to play against the law of nature, then so be it. I do not understand much about this whole- “gay” concept and hence will reserve my comments. However, I could not stop appreciating the vision of our generation. Since we are not able to resolve “female infanticide” issue, we have found a new way to deal with the upcoming scarcity of “human resources”. Voila, what an idea Voilyji oops sirji!

I hope the great Indian thespian Manoj Kumar will no longer have to cover his face with hands to sing- “Bus, yehi galti mein har bar karta hoon. Aadmi hoon aadmi se pyar karta hoon”. PJ indeed!

Never mind the PJ; we have lots of it though. From silver screen to parliament and budgets, our world is full of PJs. Here is another one- “Railways will not be guided by economic viability, but by social commitment”, says Mamta Banerjee in the 15th railway budget in parliament. Seeing the printed bundles of the proposed budget was another PJ in sight. Gosh, the amount of paper wasted and it looked liked the desi cousin of proposed Wikipedia book. Boo… I wonder if they actually circulate it to entire gamut and if the gamut reads it too. They must also publish the no of trees axed to print that “maha puran” in those copies.

Indian railways definitely need some more slices of digitalization and our parliamentarians, an advance course in waste management and technology for development.

The budget sounds decent and my newfound respect for my “trinmul didi” remains intact. I actually started liking her since the time she appeared in a popular singing reality show and apparently sung a “Hindi” song.

July! Ah! Also accounts for many birthdays, including mine. Which apparently is today, but wait, aren’t birthdays mean to be more of a sadistic approach than a celebrative one? I mean, it is such a disheartening moment to know that life slipped by another year and grayness stronger by another hair.

Never in my life did I despise my birthday on the fact that I am getting old. However, the truth has finally started hitting in with a sense of loss, and a sense of regret.

So this year I did not let birthday euphoria blind me and decided to keep it as “low key” affair as possible. I deliberately slept early last night and did not pick up any customary calls/ SMS last night. Sorry T Incognito, VNA C, Seema, Momma. Nevertheless, I still spent first half of my day with mobile in shower, mobile omelets, power dressing oops mobile dressing, mobile climbing and mobile sneaking. Mobile sneaking is a term when you are on phone; still you talk to several other people simultaneously. I thought of availing the additional leave option on birthday and anniversary today but dropped the idea on fear of mediocrity and boredom at home.

While in taxi, I called the office reception desk to check whether service lift is working, he greeted me with a “Happy Birthday” message. I thought the birthday mail sent by HR that did this effect until I saw a huge bouquet with the security team. He smiled and said- Madam, this came for you in the morning and would you like it to be sent to you desk? I normally do not take anonymous bouquets and unfortunately, I do not receive many of them either. I nodded in agreement and moved towards the elevator. All my way through the elevator and coffee machine I tried hard to figure out the anonymous, the magnanimous sender and even called all the usual suspects. I was about to call my uncle’s office in IIT Madras, the anonymous called and identified himself.

My office has gone ga-ga over the flowers. From Sreemonti to Pallav to HR head came watering over the flowers. Since then this lovely bouquet has become an object of envy, admiration and discussion in my entire floor. Thanks manager merchandising for taking me by surprise and gifting such a beautiful 50 rose’s bouquet. I do not remember getting a birthday gift like this, this way ever and I shall cherish forever the gesture [unless replaced by a bigger/interesting one…lolz]. [No scandals Pl, I got many bouquets by virtue of gift, self-flattery etc and none of them given by breed of any boy friend or prospect like that. End of controversy, if any]

My office too sent me a lovely table bouquet in the morning and of what seems to be a day of flowers, red roses, it was a red rose bouquet too. My third bouquet came in the evening and was no surprise as the florist called me to confirm my “new address”. Gosh, if more flowers come today; I have to plan a “garage sale” this weekend. Folks if any of you planning to send me flowers today, freeze. I would prefer cash. Ha ha. I am eager to see what my dad has planned for my gift in the evening. My mom apparently disclosed her discussion with dad on this matter though. So am sure of something in waiting. Wish if it is a Ghaghra or a piece of jewelry! After all, I am a girl and once in my life I can wish stuffs that a girl’s dreams are made of. By the way, I said I despise this birthday but that does not go with gifts you seeJ. The only logic that goes with ‘em is- The more, the merrier.

This birthday also made me nostalgic. I remember, this time last year, I was the only girl sitting in the regional review meeting at Swabhumi. It was a different type of fun and I appreciate my boss’ amazing timing to conduct a review on that day, on that location and inviting me to be a part of it. I happily boasted the hi-tea as my titled treat to all. Hee he. However, my boss was not aware it was my birthday that day and or even today. Never mind. I miss that day, that fun and that fiasco that created due to my cell phone battery outage in the evening.

Many things make July a very special month. Remember KBC was also launched on third of July. No wonder, it became such a big success in Indian television history, resurrecting back Mr. Bachchan’s second innings. Ha ha. I still remember my childhood days when I use to get the biggest cake in town and bestest [if there is a word like that] dress for the occasion. Back then, everything of mine need to be best, from the chocolates that I will distribute in my class, to the box that contain it, to the return gift for my friends to the menu of my birthday party.

There is one more angle to birthdays. The more I expected, the more I was let down and vice versa. It goes same with grey hairs and ageing process. One development over the years, my parents started remembering my birthday. Moreover, thanks to social networking sites that even your friends remember it.

By this time, I have finished my duties of an inbound call centre operator cum mailing department. [From orkut, facebook, Google groups and a beautiful mail from Anita di, I have my fingers on keyboard and head on my screen] The fizz has fizzled and I am back to my usual day. Such a short-lived life of a birthday! Come six o’clock, I shall wind up my reports, my laptop and back to my empty nest and emptiness of a cable TV. May be I can coerce dad for a dinner out or treat myself to a good lazy weekend coming tomorrow.


  1. Hey Happy Bday to u !
    And bigger thing is , it is not customary.
    And one more thing, there is no prob if u grow old& Bful at the same time.

  2. Belated wishes yaar!!

    have some masala chai..that sure keeps the loneliness blues away!!

    enjoy the rains too:)

  3. @ Akash
    Thanks a ton!!! I know it is not customary with you:)

    @ Vinnie
    Thanks dear...Yup it is heavily raining here in kolkata...and i was just planning to have some chai!!!

  4. Lots and lots of Birthday wishes. Hope you have many more beautiful years.

  5. Anonymous04 July

    hey, birthday wishes, hope you got a bigger gift from your dad, than you expected. :)

  6. @ Jaadi
    Thanks a lot :)

    @ Anonymous
    Thanks...my dad keeps on giving me everything i want..almost. But not on my birthdays..hee hee

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. How to look at a B'day?? I think it is a perspective, and therefore it is rightly said "Beauty is in the Eyes of Beholder".

    And therefore I have my own perspective......

    I celebrate my B'day;
    1. Because I have arrived so far......
    2. To cherish one more year of livelihood
    3. To cherish new people that I met in past one year
    4. To cherish new places that I visited
    5. To cherish times that I have spent with my parents & loved ones
    6. To thank God for making me wise over the knowledge that I gained in last one year
    7. To thank God for giving me one more year to give something back to society
    8. To thank everyone around me for giving me one more year to be what I want to be....to be Myself
    9. For newer anxieties
    10. To look forward to "The One" in my life, and when I will have one, to cherish every moment of togetherness .Every B'day & new year I make a resolution....this year certainly I will have a companion......
    11. To look forward to places that Iam going to visit
    12. To look forward to people that I am going to meet
    13. For the new things that I am going to do
    14. To cherish lovely food that I had and that I would have
    15. The adventures that I did and those I have planned
    16. The friends' marriages that I have attended (8 since 2007)and that I am going to attend
    17. The new born babies that I have played with
    18. For The several business plans that I have made and destroyed in last year
    19. For The business plan that I am working on and think that I would be able to implement it.

    I think, life is the greatest gift, by every passing moment, one is not loosing it....but rather gaining it....it adds to the greyness......it adds to the tummy....it adds to the glasses that you wear........it adds to the words that you write....it adds to the ideas that bring about change in you and around you.......it adds to the love and compassion that you show......it adds.. it does...celebrate and be happy......

  9. lol mamtha singing dat was fun...

    damn those grey hairs.. even i have.. now i have gotten over the fact.. wat abt those hair dyes with lots of colours and shades??

    no rain in hyd too.. it just threatens to but goes away a drop..

    pressure ur dad wish u have a wonderful weekend..

  10. @ Rahul

    Thanks for the lovely insight!!!

  11. @ hemish
    I have counted my white hairs- all 3. hahaha...it is raining in kolkata and in a good way!!!

    My bad health screwed my weekend, else would ve gone out and enjoyed.

  12. And if I am not wrong, 3rd July happens to be wedding anniv of Big B and Wife B... not sure though. Remember reading it somewhere..

    Lol @ Manoj's plight. That PJ has been doing rounds from ages. Manoj can now say "Who is having last laugh now"... Hope he doesn't go n in real sue 'Naz' for stealing his thunder and claim he is the real fighter fo the cause.

  13. Belated Wishes...

    Btw, jumped from Smita's blog..

  14. Happy birthday to youuu
    Happy birthday to youuu
    Happy birthdayyy dear Ektaaa
    Happy birthday tooo yoouuuuuu!

  15. Belated birthday wishes Ekta :) thats so nice to read about your gifts receiving and the ageing process :)

    and for the gay rights, I don't think its wrong... unless it doesn't harm anybody, they can carry on.. after all we are living a country which got freedom and they must have the right to chose the way they can live

  16. Ah! missed it! Happy Birthday :-)

  17. belated wishes, and July is indeed a spl month for many :). Just chanced to land on ur blog...

  18. Hey Belated birthday wishes dear :-)

    And u r right about the gitfs, the more the merrier ;-)

    U know at one point of time even I was the lone girl in office and ah! what fun days they were ;-)

  19. @ Mayank

    Yup, guess that would be interesting- Manoj v/s khans on OSO and now Manoj v/s Naz on homo shanty homo!!! Haha ha

    Hey thanks for the wishes and welcome to my blogs. Be my friend on weblog journey J

    Thanks a lot…that was sooo cute!!!

    @ Kanagu
    Thanks for writing in an welcome to my blogs. Even I am not against gay right and I really hope the legalization do not spell more in crime than someone’ freedom to choose a life. However I am sad with the fact that more and more guys are turning gay…hum ladkiyo ka kya hoga …lolz

  20. @ eye-in-sty-in
    That’s alright. Thanks and yes you haven’t told me the name of that movie yet.

    @ Kanupriya
    Thanks and welcome to my blog!
    Thanks a ton dear.

    I am sure being a lone girl has many advantages than the disadvantages it brings. I was not lone girl in my IIT Madras office but those days were amazing.

  21. Hi...sorry dont know yur name..anyways...happy Birthday! and most important thing is that yu are a day b4 4th of July!! ..freedom before Independence eh! ha ha anyways its sweet to know that yu hav soo many well wishers...our life always goes by the people who wish and bless for our goodnes!! Yu are blessed to have one! God Bless...nice write and am sorry didnt know how to follow yu, as FOLLOW option was somehow not visible! tak care

  22. July is lucky and good.Happy b'day.
    I have company...mine is July too.All the best.

  23. It was very nice. Any how once again birthday wishes.

  24. err, umm... which movie? (sorry, memory gone 4 a toss)

  25. hey..belated happy birthday wishes..
    if' I had known ure a/c ,i could have dropped cash in it..but since I don't know I am settling with a mere wish..I hope u be happy with that..
    n by this time u may have got that surprise gift from ure parents..well what was it?

  26. Numero ji, Sorry, better late than never, but aapko janamdin mubarak ho, sorry to add belated to that wishes.

    But as you said, we run the danger of turning Grey with each bday celebration. I dont love bdays anymore. Bhooda ho raha hoon , Zilch..:)))))Nice post..:)))

  27. @ hary
    Grr grr…looks like that “balti” really hit you bad!!! My name is there on the blog profile.
    BTW, you said you wanna follow me, how sweet…I guess you are already following me…I used to see my name in ur blogroll earlier which now is not there. Anyways on the left hand side of my page you will see the option…click it.

    And thanks for the lovely wishes!!!

    @ BK Chowla
    Thanks a lot…So when is your birthday?

  28. @ Abhilash

    Thanks buddy...Finally a comment from you!!!

    @ eye-in-sty-in
    The movie on your blog...the dog story

    @ Rahul S
    Thanks a ton buddy. keep visiting. So what is that wish?
    Dad mom gives me an unconditional love and support...gift to mujhe saal bhar milte rehte hai! lolz...

    @ Zillionbig
    THanku zillionji...der aaye tandurust aaye ;)

  29. I liked your blog very much.As I have become your follower so I will be visiting your blog.I appreciate for the beautiful post.Wish you a very Happy Birthday.May all your dreams come true.

  30. The name os the movie is 8 below. Its written in the tags :-)

    Should have written it more prominently, no?

  31. And Ekta, jaldi se apni front face photo daalo so that I can paint u a b'day gift :P

  32. Hi Ekta... do agree... that balti sure made me lose my senses :) and for good! anyways Follow option does not seem to working , thats wat i was referring to! will try again..
    and hey yur name?? yur comment is still there in my last blog!

    tak care! cheers

  33. Man this post was researched like crazy!You are going to do my assignments from now on!

    Belated Bday Wishes
    Take me out for a treat and I'll give you a gift

  34. @ babli
    Thanks a ton dear and many2 welcome to my blog…Love to make friends like you J

    @ eye-in-sty-in
    Yup saw the name…No no…it was a good one…altogether a new way of posting a review- Voila!

    Paint me a portrait but no moustache pl…well that would make an interesting and novel birthday gift for me…game?

    @ hary
    Hey…Do that..let meknow if you still face any kind of issues…

    @ DPhatsez
    Deal! :)

  35. so who did send those flowers!!!

    your uncle from IITM

  36. @ My uncle from IITM
    The senders were a few bunch of old frens, who read one of my blog on wishes and facilitated one!!! :)

    So, what are you bringing for me from cairo? :)

  37. Happy Birthday...tra la la laaaa

    happy birthday traaa la laaaa

    Wish you a very happy birthday girl!!! May all your wishes come true this year-this month itself...May you find a good life partner soon! My heartfelt wishes

  38. @ Saanchi
    Thanks. Online kya?

  39. Anonymous08 July

    happy burthday..

    and yus blackd day in india-july 2nd :P

  40. Hey belated wishes for your birthday. Hope you had a great time. Am sorry I couldnt wish on time but the wishes are heartfelt. You have a great blog here. keep up the good work

  41. @ Chriz
    Thank you and welcome to me blog...keep visiting!!

    @ Sujata
    Thanks a ton. We seem to share mutual admiration society though :)
    Welcome to my blog and keep visiting.

    BTW folks, watch out my new post on "brides wanted"


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Hi Folks,

You heard me...now its time for Bouquets and Brickbats!