I Blog...Therefore I am

Once upon a time, there was I. 

I, the single girl living alone in new city (ies), working in a job where I meet many people but none of them my friend, bruising a half broken heart, still dreaming some broken dreams, curbing desires of being in good company, lonely, bored with television and looking for a new start.

There were too many words, left, right and center. Some on top and some inside the heart, deep under. I wrapped some in spreadsheets and swept off some in presentations but actually, a lot of them waiting to see the light of the day. 

It's then a close friend reminded me of my blogging aspirations and pushed me to start a blog of own. How? I wondered. My boss gave me his laptop to work on his analysis which I painfully carried home everyday and now needs to put into some use. Tata Indicom's VData card too came in handy and I must tell you Facebook was not that popular then :)

I started writing. Tinatinabulations in my head gave birth to Numerounity and I started blogging. Words understood me when people failed to do so. So I made words my best friends without fear of prejudices and judgments and began to write. 

My blog became my best friend. I write when I am happy, I write when I am sad. i write when I something to say and I write when I have nothing to say. I write when I am angry, I write when depressed. I write when I am loved, I write when I feel unexpressed. From poems to reviews to stories, to haiku to satire, I have myriad things under the sun. I just cannot tell you writing is what a fun! 

Blogging gives me a platform, where I can be me. Blogging is my companion, loneliness can never seep in. Every minute that I give to blogging, it returns back the favor. It restored my confidence in self and it helped me win few more admirers and friend. There was a time when people new for the work I did at office, the products that I launched. Today when my profile changed to a more passive one, a lot of people know me from the blogs I write. 

And then came Indiblogger in my life.....
I have almost left blogging at one point and continued with me disconnect for almost 2 years. My URL got hacked, my viewership was lost and my inactivity instilled still no fear. Its then I revisited Indibloggers website and took stock of few things they do. Their contest stuck on me and I vowed to return back to writing with one of them. In the meantime, many recruiters and companies and celebs (yes) asked me to restart my Numerounity platform and write for them. My bosses read through my blog (some against my wish and some against knowledge) and that did change their perspective. People started noticing the person behind this face with her words. yes words. Words are magical, mystical and myriad and yes, Mad!

I skipped many contests of Indiblogger on account of lack of that killer idea or killer confidence until one contest that took my procrastination away. Lo and behold, I won a position in that contest and blogging re started. Blog gave me bloggers meets and bloggers meet got me face to face with real people, people behind those posts, people those comments, people behind some victories and people behind the virtual world. People became my friends...yes, many friends. Cities changed- Kolkata to Hyderabad to Gurgaon. Priorities changed- I am not known for walking in herds and gossiping about mere stilettos and laces with people who sees me just as "the circle" but I know myself as a "rebel with a cause". I no longer seek approval from people who do not care to know me or judge me otherwise, I rather seek opinions unbiased.

I am flowing with ideas and that zeal inside me is awake again. The zeal to visit places, meet people and blogging as medium helps me move towards a lot of them. When corporate politics and working without any recognition or sense of belonging bogs me, I switch to my pen, my keyboard who gets me closer to friends who understands me and stands by me. It tires me when I open my office mailbox to see mails by people who think of me as mere dumb coordinator to fix any meeting or take printout of their stuff to shove in with authority, completely mocking my education, achievements and abilities to larger things. Its then my personal mailbox delights me with mails from admirers who like my skills and wants me to do bigger things from them from review, to write up to cover an event to share my opinion on important matters of decision making.

Today I blog about movies that I have seen, books I have read, places I have been and also places where I haven't been yet. I always wanted to work on FMCG products and live those dreams by at least writing about them along with products that I have used, products that can be introduced. I write my poem and publish without the fear of mockery. And discovered that people copying my ideas is nothing but another sort of flattery. Yes, blogging has changed a lot in my life and I hope it continue to do so, continue to do so, positively! Happy Blogging!

Ah! Blogging, how much you complete me. 
Yeah blogging, how much you help me to discover myself. 
Thanks blogging, for being there in my life. 
Hallelujah! Blogging to heal me. 
Adore you! Blogging to help me focus, help me communicate.
Love you blogging, for making me do things out of comfort zone, comfortably
Bless you! Blogging for a successful life together.

This post is written for #wcmum experience at Indiblogger for upcoming WordCamp Meet at Mumbai on 20th- 21st Oct 2012. 


  1. I am glad you started to blog. Otherwise, I would have never come to know you. One small correction. Your viewership was not lost. May be dwindled. I have been your reader before and after your "sabbatical".

    1. Thanks SG and same here :)

      I am so glad that you stayed whereas I lost a lot of blogdost in transit but nevermind, its quality matters than quantity! :) Cheers!

  2. I can so relate to those words... thanks Ekta!

  3. After going through this post I felt that you have penned down the story of my life....nothing more to say at this moment ...please don't take it otherwise...

    1. I am not taking it otherwise but glad that my words touched someone else too. Most welcome odyzz :)

  4. "Words are magical, mystical and myriad and yes, Mad!"
    "I write my poem and publish without the fear of mockery."
    Prize-winning sentences surely... loved the post as it went straight into the heart of the topic and remained there confidently.

    Arvind Passey

    1. Thank you soo much1 Your feedback touched my heart and made my day.

      I am glad that you liked my post (scribbling at nth hour) :)

  5. good to see the reflections..in time....i guess we all need to go back and look at the journey.... as the Journey is the destination...thanks

    1. Thanks Desi Traveler...well said....journey is the destination!

  6. Loved your journey, more so because I can relate to it. Perhaps, as bloggers, we are all united by our common love of words. Keep blogging and keep writing. I am glad I follow this beautiful blog of yours :-)

    1. True and highly agree...we are all united by words and our craving to be heard and to be understood.

      Nice to meet you on blogsphere, we shall continue to be blogdosts :)

  7. Like you, I too went for a blogging break for two years and came back. I lost a few readers but then I gained so many. It has been an exhilarating journey but totally worth it.
    Keep blogging.

    1. Thanks...Yeah, it takes time but good friends finds us :)
      Keep blogging!

  8. And you do have a great blog. Cheers to that. :)

  9. felt bad reading the second line...hmm...

  10. you have a wonderful blog here Ekta .... keep writing :)

    1. Thanks so much Tangy...I love tomatoes and you r one with twist :)

  11. Ekta, I remember seeing you at the Panetene meet. Now I know the words you write. Beautiful both. You and the words. :-)

    1. Thanks soo much Naina, you are gorgeous! :)

  12. Blogging is really something which helps one explore herself when she is unable to express herself most, as what I believe. Blogging is just a bliss for us! Happy Blogging & keep writing! :)

    1. Well said Gayatri...Blogging is such a medium- powerful, effective and fulfilling too. Keep writing :)

  13. That was a wonderful blog, Numero...as a blogger, I could relate to each and every line of this post! Well done!

    1. Thanks so much Panchali, I am glad to find like minded friends on blogsphere like you :)

  14. NIce reading it. All the best. Keep on writing as this appears to give you the most happiness and joy. Follow your heart.

  15. I saw you at the meet but could not talk to you.However our thoughts do talk to each other.What you have written about blogging is so very true-it adds to one's sense of worth.

    1. :)

      I missed you and that's my loss entirely. Lets catch up soon...now since our thoughts r talking, we two should start interacting soon :)

      Thanks for such a lovely comment :)

  16. So glad to have met you in person (we met at the meet).... and now can connect a face to such beautiful and emotional words put together. P.S. you have a lovely blog!

    1. Thanks so much La femme...It always works for us to meet in person..I am so glad that I met you too. Love your blogs and yeah, howz little girl's hairs? :)

  17. Congrats on winning the entry to WC and wishing you the very best for your upcoming speech.

    Just a suggestion... would be good if someone can capture the various speakers on video and put it up on youtube. Pls pass on the request to the organizers.


    1. Thanks Sanjay.

      I have put forth your request tom, You can check and add more here- http://www.indiblogger.in/bloggermeet.php?id=171&comm=y#tabs-3

  18. You pretty much echoed my thoughts here. Great post.

    1. I am glad that you liked it and find the voice alike :)

  19. Hey lovely post. Congrats. Keep writing, it is a great way to discover yourself...

  20. Ah blogging how much you complete me ---so true ---and this I think is true of every blogger

    add to this ---oh comments how much I need you LOL

    1. :)

      Yeah comments r like ego boosters or smile harness tools..keep commenting on my blogs buddy. Its always nice to hear from ppl :)

  21. journey of a blogger in words.. effective yet so true....beautifully ascribed

    1. Thanks so much Jasmeet...Loved your blog too :)

  22. Wonderful blog...loved it...so one more admirer joining your blog..Keep blogging

    1. Thanks so much...I am an admirer too :)

  23. You are so very right...Blogging to me is an alternative identity which doesn't need any approvals or planning.Just a free flowing feel good identity , that comes minus the baggages :) Oh!! How I love it :) Wonderful post..

    1. Thank so much...Yeah truly agrees, its an alter ego, an identity of self...I wish I can write freely...damn this writer's block :)

  24. no wonder u have so many fans here including me...keep the show going buddy...v r all proud of u..

    1. Aww awww...I am so glad that you like my post..I am now fan of the fan of the fan!

  25. Anonymous22 October

    Loved it..
    You should be on www.worldmarketshome.com in bollywood section

    1. Really? What's that? Also, may i get your identity pl...

  26. Hey Tanya,

    Thats cool...I will try this for sure :)

  27. Good post. Loved reading it. :)
    Could relate to some of the experiences. But then that's the story of story of every blogger, isn't it? :) :)
    Glad to have stumbled here. :)

    1. Thanks so much Vinay...Maybe yes, it can be story of every blogger or writer or few will be exception, but am glad that you can identify with this...keep stumbling here :)

  28. Blogging teaches you so much, not only writing but other things as well. It was lovely reading your journey.

  29. First tym at ur blog... Nd see ur blog journey its gd..keep writing... :) it inspire me

  30. very well described the blogging journey...and yes it relates to mine too...

    though i am not a very frequent blogger, still they are my 'dil se' views...:)

    1. Hey Jagathi,
      Thanks so much for writing in. I am glad you liked it :)

  31. Keep Blogging. You will discover yourself.
    You write lovely poems.
    Do you write short fiction stories?
    All the Best

    1. Thanks so much Vikram! Yes I do write short fiction stories at times.


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