My Poems with Dell Venue 7

When the time let me no spare,
I write my poems without a scare
Who needs stationary to pen emotions
I am a high-tech, wireless generation!

Yeah, I write poems on the move, while taking a nap, eating my meal, talking to friend and most importantly while travelling.

And how?

Well I understand carrying a laptop all the time is bulky. Pen and paper are not often available and run the risk of getting lost/damaged. And cell-phones are handy but just not that convenient to write and review.

Discover- Dell Venue 7- My first ever tablet

Phew! It did not have voice calling, that means, I can work uninterrupted and my ideas won't flow out. All you need is one Sim card with 3G activated. I have chosen Airtel, the best in telecom data service provider to be my alibi. Lo and behold! I am ready to go.

Using my Dell, I can straight away write my poem on my blog, edit, add pictures and post it on line. Not just that, my high speed data enable me to share the post to all my friends and readers via simple clicks. 

And all this, while on the move!
On the go
and on the miracle of wireless technology.

Isn't it very simple? So if you are a budding poet, you may take cue and get your Dell today. A few simple clicks and you are "move ready" and do not have to wait till you reach home/ laptop to preserve your idea and post. You can continue adding content/ pictures to your poem while on the move or waiting to meet anyone, at cafe, between breaks and carry your tablet for inspiration.

When technology is so user friendly
you can pursue your interests even passionately,
for why wait for a medium to emote
don't be the "run of mill"
simply accommodate,
A new Tablet to your life
And see it changing, bringing more delight!



  1. Technology surely has made life all the more easier ... loved your rhymes :-)


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Hi Folks,

You heard its time for Bouquets and Brickbats!