How To Fight Monday Blues #MondayMusings

Learning is a constant process and that is the absolute reason why I still have not yet learned to make perfect aloo parathas. Well for that matter, coffee too struggles when it comes in my hand. Needless to say, I make my coffee by pouring cold milk on my mug and jumbling a spoon of coffee powder and sugar into. Perfecto. Well, this is not about "How to make perfect coffee for lazybums" but it is all about that 2-word phrase that beat the blue of almost every working professional- Monday Blue.

 What is Monday blue?
To answer that question, you need to live a life of the either-

1)  a student [the one like me, who never liked going to school much]
2) A working professional in corpo-rat. 

I may not know or recall the third category here and hence label it as irrelevant. Let me rather sing some of the well-tried practices and ideas to combat the deadly monster called- Monday Blue

Source: telegraph UK

How to Fight Monday Blues

1) Coffee Downpour- By this I did not mean that you should gulp that bean away to glory. Rather ditch your coffee mug after the first serving and switch to fresh water at room temperature. It is as freely available as my advices.

2) Wear the Blue- I meant figuratively. I often dressed in a blue colored dress on Mondays, living the adage "loha hi lohe ko kaat ta ha" [Iron cuts Iron idiom please]. Guess what? It works! If it does not work with you, you need to upgrade your wardrobe. Yay baby!

3) Social Media Rant- I mean "enchant your friends on social media" by posting "photoshopped- select photos on your social media. While some may die with envy and hurl you abuses down their breaths, they will still politically oops "social- media- cally" correct themselves and shower you with emojis, dime a dozen. Get Illustrious with your love.

4) Made up the Blues with makeup hues- Ah! It is no secret that how much a girl loves the makeup. If I can start an entire blog for it, I am sure, you will read it oops love it too. After all, it is we girls who makes this Gucci and Sephora popular and profitable. Ditch your old school- simplicity kit and get yourself some cool makeup in whooping shades and colors as available in the market. Plan a new look every Monday. While that will help you beat your blues, men too could take  the hint and pay a little attention to their well-groomed self. After all, we girls too need some good eye-tonic in our monotonous jobs and 200 slides presentation meetings. Who knows good karma returns to you and your favorite brand offers you job in their company to beat you Monday Blues with their glitter, gloss,  nudes and palettes?

5) Concentrate on work- Yes, if all the above fails, stop thinking about the blues unless you have so much of free time in your hand, legs or head. You may not like to "Eat That Frog" that Brian Tracy recommends. So instead pick your favorite dessert, I mean the task and work on it. Once you get habitual of concentrating your work, you would not find any Monday Blues but white and black. Oh! Ain't those are the colors we see dancing in front of our eyes after prolonged working hours, a moment before we faint? Tee hee

Bonus: Like some of the beauty bags gives you a bonus in your box, I have a bonus advice for you. However useless you may find it, Get married. And then you will start loving Mondays. How? Well, if you are a wife, it will be a good relief to send your husband and kids to work & school and some free hours for self. And if you are a man, need I still tell you?

Well these are the top 5+ things that I have learned for fighting Monday blues. I am sure, given my "in the genes- marwadi love for aloo", I will soon learn the art of making the perfect "aloo paratha". Till then, let me go and fix myself some coffee.

Till next time,
Tweet Tweet tee Hooo...


Am back with my humor in a disguise of sarcasm writings. All thanks to my oldies inspirations Write Tribe [Monday Musings] and 3 Word Wednesday [ Jumble, Habitual, Illustrious] for their prompt that helped me park my lazism [tenporarily] and pen this up. Hope you like it. Do spread a word

Twitter- Numerounity
Instagram- ektakhetan
Facebook- Numerounity


  1. Awesome tips to beat the blues. I make the coffee same same, cold milk, coffee and sugar:)

    1. Awesome...You see it is a classy way to drink your coffee and enjoy a good post :)

  2. Now that's an amazing compilation for beating the monday blues! I'm surely going to try 'Wear the Blue' tip! Also, share the aloo paratha recipe once you've perfected it :P

    1. Yeah sure.. Aloo paratha I so much love you :)

  3. Anonymous30 November

    These are fresh tips, i would like to try them out and let you know the reviews on it ..

    1. Awesome..I'll look forward to hear your experiences. :)

  4. Monday blues most depressing day of the week. This post will certainly help me to beat Monday blues.

    1. Yes, it is Monday Today and Go ahead, inspire yourself! :)

  5. Such a fun read! Fortunately I don't have to face any monday blues since I am my own boss :)

    1. That's one of the best things.. For me, being my own boss gives me another blue- One woman Responsibility blues! lolz..

  6. loha hi loha katta hai, best advice I guess. SO trying these monday blue mantas

    1. Hahah...sure..Hope you get benefited too. Do share with us- the feedback :)

  7. You have a penchant for words. I love the witty writing you bring along in your posts, enjoyed this one :)

  8. Ha ha! Well, get to work was the best ;)

  9. Nice advice, especially the bonus one :). Other thing you can do on Monday morning is start planning for the coming weekend.

  10. I liked your writing style and flow of words.

  11. Well-written Ekta! There ain't anyone not bitten by the Monday Blues bug :)

  12. Cool tips! I start my Mondays planning for weekends so I get inspired to work hard so that I enjoy hard! Yes wearing blue n social media help me as well. So true if u have too much on or plate, u won't get Monday Blues!

  13. corpo-rat - hahaha well said.
    I like the social media rant idea ;) I often post #MondayMotivation and "a new look every monday" very nice suggestion. I'm sharing this one!


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