Procrastination is many stupendous things!!!

Oh no! I can’t let this happen again…there’s plenty of thoughts sailing inside, waiting to ripple over my keyboard and be expressed. But as always I found myself napping on the wrong side of laziness and kept napping. It’s gonna be twilight and i must get out of the siesta and sail…

I know what you are thinking? Well, I never claimed to be creative!!! But I never, not claimed to be trying my hand into being one!!! :-)

So, I must write and write again before the itsy bitsy of my followers get drawn away to some other “Coffee and creams”. Oops not intended!

You know the biggest problem with perfection? It’s just that in order for trying for one, we limit ourselves too much to go out and stretch out loud. Too much with the fear of rejection or loosing all those accolades which our art [or the fart of it] ever bought to us. He he… I won’t let myself down and must scribble something. Aw well, must post something. As a lot have been scribbled and dribbled though….all it needs is to be poured and it will be poured soon…So, keep glued [my whatever few followers]. Till I swoosh back with another of my weirdo. Yo hooo….
