Beautiful is what beautiful does

"Is this you, Gran"? I was definitely shocked to see a black and white picture of a fine young lady, wearing a modern dress and a big shades on her faces looking towards exactly where the sun was coming from.

I turned my face up to look at my grandmother who was amused at her granddaughter’s reaction to her picture from youth. “Yes, that is me in my college day” Said she. “Gosh, you looked so beautiful then” I murmured while slowing shifting my gaze from the snap to her face. With age, her face looked tired, saggy and yet resplendent. It etched on it several stories, experiences and wisdom untold. “You still look beautiful nani”. I told her admiringly. She hugged me to the warmth of her nurturing bosom, around with her comforting hands.  I wasn’t fibbing. At that age and given the pressure of home and family, my grandmother still cut a very pretty picture. She was beautiful in her own special ways. Every little thing that she did was beautiful. Everything she did, it was with great perfection and precision. Even the mundane chores of the day turned into master art. Whether it was cooking even a simple dish, wearing a sari, getting ready for an event, gardening, stitching cloths, doing embroidery or even making puppets for me out of nothing, she was a marvel!

For me she was a one stop solution for everything beautiful. I often used to have some crafts assignment at school and often fiddle with stuffs. She used to come as my messiah. From knitting to painting, to paper art to jute work she would ensure that the piece created by her would win me unique positions with everyone else. Such was her designing and execution that she could easily transform an ordinary looking cloth to beautiful table cover, handkerchief or a pillow. When my younger aunt delivered her first child, we went all through the market get baby stuff but came disappointed seeing the inferior quality. She took her sewing machine and embroidery box and stitched some memorable baby rug, diapers, cloths and what not. Everyone who saw them asked from where did you purchased it. She was so perfect in her work and all that she will do from her tough schedule. She was a great artisan, a fine curator who would mold ordinary looking stones into beautiful stones and jewelries. Her hands spelled perfection, her eyes- precision and her heart- an amalgamation of all things beautiful. For her, her work was the biggest form of self expression.

Her face had the milk of human kindness. Often when I would be disappointed with certain failures in life, she will embrace me and console me beautifully. There wouldn’t be a word here or there, there wouldn’t be any excess or shortage of words. Her each and every word was as beautiful as she. She would often keep unwell but was never dependent on anyone.  Her bad health as well she was the great anchor. What could be more beautiful than this feeling that she was one who loved, cared and nurtured unconditionally, beautifully and all the time. Her presence was very warm and her persona was very simple. She wouldn't wear and fancy jewelry except a 6 piece diamond stud flower in her ears. I used to wonder if that diamond brightens her face or was it she who made that earring look divine.  She was as beautiful as her work.

My grandmother Smt Sita Devi Agarwal was one of the fine woman who have influenced my life a big way. When I first bought my own jewelry, I bought a Tanishq thinking and trying to follow her own signature style of minimal yet gracious looking ornaments. I bought a gold diamond ring with a flower that was influenced by that flower shaped 6 piece diamond earrings. Whenever I buy anything,  I wish if she were around me to help me make the right selection and am sure that it would be most beautiful.

My grandmother passed away on a fateful day of February 2010. Before her demise, she taught me enough for a lifetime. She taught me the real meaning of the beauty. That was as skin deep as much it was above the surface. Indeed, Beautiful is what Beautiful does!

Beautiful are those people
Who leaves their marks, 
on sands of time
As dew on flowers
in zest of sunshine
Sweet as nectar
holy as divine

They create perfection 
precise to point
bringing beauty to their works 
as beautiful as they are
Their beauty lingers your heart
In flashback, fast forward or rewind

Beauty that glitters,
sparkles and shine
In pearl brilliance
in white radiance
in bright solar incandescence!

To my beautiful grandma who I love,
Mia! Your beauty is pristine!

Here's a beautiful TVC from a beautiful brand- Mia. It features Megha, a woman who is not afraid to self and express her beauty with her work. Truly Mamma Mia!

You can also visit Mia' home page and mesmerize your self


  1. Your grandma is an angel. May she rest in peace

    1. :) I wish If I could have a word with her once.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, beauty from inside comes and goes, but beauty from inside stays. Life is to short! Like in a song Beauty comes from inside

    1. Yes, beauty is skin deep that reflects on top of it as well :)

  4. A lovely tribute to your grandma :-)

  5. lovely tribute Ekta. My grandfather was very dear to me too and I firmly believe that there is so much to learn from our older generations, learn from their success, their mistakes, exchange love and most important give them our time and attention. I am sure your grandma must be smiling proudly at you up from the heavens.

    1. Thanks soo much Mehroo..yup you are very right. It is very important for us to return their love with more love and make them feel special. I really miss this grandmom of mine. I was all crying while writing this post.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Great memories, stirred up some of mine too! I can totally relate to the craft projects bit! I used to hate them and my daadi was always my guardian angel when it came to them. Today, after so many years of her having gone, I love these projects but sadly I do not have her to share the joy of doing these things with... I guess she passed them on to me a little late!

    1. I can understand the feeling Disha. It's often ends up feeling empty arms and empty hearts. Thanks for sharing your take. ope our grandma's are fine wherever they are and looking at us with pride and joy!

  8. Brilliant tribute Ekta, esp the poem you have penned is simply superb!!

    1. Thanks so much Reshma, your presence on my blog is always motivational :)

  9. Beautiful, just like the title :)
    Brilliant post Ekta :D And I notice your blog has changed it's look ;)
    Lovely and bright it is now :D
    Keep going :D

    1. Thanks Ecstasy! Yes, in my constant search to modify my blogs, I have recently changed my template and more. Glad that you liked it.

      Do pour in if you have some suggestions or more on the design etc. It will be helpful and yes keep reading Numerounity :)

  10. Aww Ekta .. it's such a lovely post ... life is beautiful in it's simplicity ...

    1. Yes indeed. You have said it precisely- Life is beautiful in it's own simplicity :)

  11. Anonymous21 August

    It was great to know about your granny and how her life and talks impacts your being today .. well we miss those mentors most when we have taken few important steps in life.. life is this way .. loved the entire write up .. !! Lovely as usual :)

    1. Thanks so much Mysay! I love your comments and the fact that you like my writings. Love to hear more from you. Take cae and Be good! :)

  12. Truly Ekta-one who lends perfection to his/her creations is beautifull agree with you.

    1. :) Thanks so much Indu and welcome back :)

  13. Ekta your reply to the first comment impels me to send you this link

    1. Oh Yes, I have seen this and also commented there. Here's a re-shot of my comment made immediately after reading your poetry-

      Heart touching poetry...I can sense a lot of pain, lot of struggle and an inane wish to be loved and appreciated there. Heartily agrees...

      Sending so much of love to you! :)

  14. Lovely Post Ekta... I thought of my grandmom...

  15. Congrats for the win dear...
    Lovely post...

  16. Congrats! Winning a Special Prize is fine!
    Grandparents are really special & makes things divine.
    Your description of your Grandmother matches mine...

    1. Thanks so much. really appreciate. Grand moms are all things special put together...isn't it? :)


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