I say Mints, ITC said Ultramintz!

Here's a Puzzle for you: I am round and as white as snow. Pop in your mouth and get refreshed on the Go!


Unscramble the Jumble to find out the Answer


Answer: I am- MintO UltraMintz

Who said surprises didn't comes in small packs? Well they do come and sometime in personalized small boxes too.

So when the presentation is so lovely, how the product would be? Read more to know more.

Product Review: MintO Ultramintz
Ultra Mintz is a new product from brand ITC in the confectionery segment (Mint-O and Candyman). It is marketed as sugar free, extra strong mint in the town.

Product: Mints; Food & Beverage. It is made of finest quality menthol & peppermint oils from France in a zero sugar.
Price: Rs 50/ box and around 60 pellets in each box
USP: Sugar Free, Sleek
Packaging: The product comes in specially designed mini black light tin opaque box. It has further a plastic shield encompassing the mints (like pearls in the shell) to protect the mint from moist and dust. The black -Blue combination of the box is classy and apt for the TG it intends to sell.

The box is quite light in weight and can easily fit into your pocket, purses and bags. I received a personalized box for the review and the packaging made it drool worthy and made a good gifting notion for a product like mint.

Place: The concept of market place has quite merged in age of internet marketing. The product is mainly designed for the upper consumer market and widely available. I have seen it even in Big Bazaar outlet, airline stores and on discounted rate at an online store as well.

Target Group: As mentioned, this product is designed especially for mass users esp Affluent youth, working professionals and smokers (a tiny box of 60 pellets is more handy than carrying multiple pouches of Happydent or Polo/ Centerfresh or any other competitive products). It might strike a chord with independent working professionals and executives who like to carry their mints and carry with style.

Promotions: ITC is not leaving any stone oops mint un-turn to promote their new sensation in town. The product hoardings are well placed in different part of cities on Highways (esp the Western Highway in Mumbai where every 3rd billboard has UltraMintz on it), bus stops, near malls and more.

Here's some cool, mint-in-cheeks promotional pictures of Mintz on the Facebook page.

They say the proof of pudding is in eating. ITC took it literally and sent to some handpicked people for their responses and review. Word of Mouth after all is the best form of publicity.

Voice of the customer: I have shared my box of sugar free ultramintz with different types of mint lovers who swear by their centerfresh, Polo and more. Here's what some of them said-

"Ice berg flavor with a ting of chill. I would indeed like to try them again and again"- Swapnil Rawal, Product Head, Telecom Giant Mumbai

"The box looks enticing and easy to carry around. The mint is loaded with subtle chill and refreshing behavior. Besides, the fact that it is sugar free, it becomes even more a good option for 'mint-must-in-my bag' people like me"- Suman Lata, Poetess & home maker.

"It tastes and sounds classy. Is it imported"- Ajinkya Sharma, Sales professional.

Numerounity's review
 An ode to newest mint in the town-

Oh Minto-O, you got a makeover now
Oh Mint-O, there's new you, in town!

You are tiny, you are round
Refreshing, savvy, one of the coolest mint around!!

My verdict: I liked Ultramintz for it's refreshing taste and overall taste. Unlike many other mints, it is neither too strong nor too mild. It's tiny shape and form looks "pop-in-you-mouth" enticing and the best part is that post consumption, it doesn't leave any residual harshness in your mouth/tongue. The product packaging and size, overall is quite handy, attractive and spillage free. It may take some time to build it's own space in fiercely occupied mint market but will indeed find a fair share for self. The promotional campaigns on Digital media is quite creative and yes do visit their facebook page to browse more interesting pictures.

In short, it is a shot of coolness in your mouth, anywhere, anytime.

Do I recommend trying? Yes, off course. Three Thumbs up!

 "I am reviewing mint-o Ultramintz as a part of the Product Reviews Program at BlogAdda" 


  1. This product seems omnipresent in the blogosphere. After reading your review I am tempted to try it!

    1. Thanks Rickie. It definitely deserves to be tried. I kind of liked it too.

      Yup it's quite omnipresent as around 50 bloggers were chosen by Blogadda to write the review, one is yours truly :)

  2. I love mints ! will deff try this one out :D
    xoxo <3


    1. Cool...do try them and let me know your experience! :)

      BTW, been to ur blog, nice :)

  3. Thanks for the nice recommendation.

    1. Try and let us know your experience!

  4. hey ekta..i really liked the way yoy have reviewed this product here. loved your three thumbs up ;)

    1. Thanks soo much Jiggyasa. Your support encourages me a lot :)

  5. Anonymous26 August

    Mints :) I say .. you have justified being among the 50 chosen ones dear Ekta .. this is the 4th or the 5th review .. and as you all say looks like its some real cool stuff :)
    I may love to have it when I am angry and I am normally angry when I dont have any visitors at all in my ideally isolated blog :D
    I promise to try this mint then :)

    1. Hahaha...you have an uncanny way to comment and I love it! Thank you my friend! Same happens with me too and hence I don't stop visiting my friends (like u) post and commenting there. My time limit is however very small and I often falter but hey, no new post from you since long.

      Chew the mint and write one pl :)

  6. Anonymous27 August

    Nice Ekta will try my hand at one

  7. Such an interesting review!! I like it to bits :) :) Kudos!!

    Ankita Singhal
    <a href="http://makeachange1.wordpress.com/>A Piece I wrote...</a>

    1. Thanks Ankita. I am glad that you liked it!

  8. Anonymous28 August

    What a review ! this has lead to getting my hands on one !

  9. The packaging is nice. It can make for a great gift

    1. Yup...when I unwrapped the courier paper, I was delighted to see the box with my name written on it. The inner packaging was even good and the quality of mints- awesome!

  10. Lovely Review!The mint pictures look cool

    1. Thanks Uma. I am glad that you liked it :)

  11. Sure... do post ur feedback.


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