How Do I tell her about you?

Music and dance were her life
It was them who kept her alive
She walked in rhythm,
She talked in rhyme
Her demeanor was fancifully divine

Life’s a piano with black and white keys
If happiness sing then sorrows too makes music
I hold her close, I hold her near
She was my adorable,
I hold her dear

She would often dance in rain
Loved the two dew drops, racing on window pane
What if there’s no pitter patter?
This thought brought me immense pain
How do I look in her eyes and tell her what I knew

Oh Cancer! How do I tell her about you?

This poem is dedicated to those beautiful lives who loved their music, loved their moves and how tragedy stroked them and made them their muse. February 4th is the World Cancer Day.

The beautiful Picture Prompt is given by - The Mag
The Title Prompt is by Write Tribe- 100 words Saturday

Cancer is Curable. Fight it tooth & nail!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Tess, that is the word that describe it so beautifully.

  2. Such a question evokes many a thought before reading this poem, I love how you lead the reader through the reason behind it.

  3. Sometimes my heart goes out to the doctors who deal with the horrible task of breaking such news to the ill-fated patients. More often than not hesitation and delay in seeking medical opinion or getting routine screenings done results in loss of loved one.

  4. Anonymous05 February

    Very well constructed :-)

  5. Good poem and touching.. Loved to read.

  6. "Life’s a piano with black and white keys
    If happiness sing then sorrows too makes music" Loved it! :)

  7. Oh! That's so painful and heart breaking!!

  8. Gripping and quite inspiring...

  9. amazing how u used both prompts together... simply brilliant

  10. You have fused both the prompts effortlessly. A beautiful poem.But its sad that the disease is slowing spread all over the world. But One day humans will overcome it.

  11. Very touching words and the word-cancer is enough to create dread in everyone's heart. But I know one day we will create a world that's completely cancer-free and till then we can only hope and pray.

  12. I like how you fused both prompts together. A bit of this and a bit of that, came together nicely in the end.

  13. It's beautiful and how you joined the strings.

  14. I am speechless... truly one of your best I have read ... awesome buddy


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