
Snowstorm by Maurice de Vlaminck
White clouds, dwell-ed on earth,
Duel-ed with Trees and mountains
Head - it will dominate, Tail- it will wrap.
and embrace all in it's trap.

It had power to transform
dark in to white, sans light
and stark

Winter Storm, precipitations.
seething cold sleets
When it hails 
and snows
you can see supremacy
of the storm
That makes the black
that absorbed all,
to surrender and kneel
and reveal
The majesty of white snow
and the storm that empowers all,
what winds, what road.
It's heartless and cold.

Could you see those trees,
raising their hands?
in an attempt
to yelp for help.

There were some roads that now endowed with snow
blurring the directions.

So when he painted
That encapsulated state of his mind,
and that suggested
enforcement or turmoil?
This quick poem was written interpreting the picture prompt provided by Magpie Tales. Let's say 20 mins interpretation? :)


  1. I like the question you leave us with at the end...

    1. And were you able to find an answer Tess?

  2. Good question! Nice imagery!

  3. I really liked the second stanza:
    It had power to transform
    dark in to white, sans light
    and stark

  4. I like the undercurrents of power and the nature and effects of power runnng through this ....

  5. Anonymous24 November

    The words weaved has the power to transform our thoughts, Ekta:)

  6. It seems each new day that very question comes up! This time of year. At the moment- a turmoil is brewing!

  7. Words knitted excellently

  8. Something to think about .... very well written ... deep and meaningful :-)


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Hi Folks,

You heard its time for Bouquets and Brickbats!