WoW- Memories are for keeps!

“Time will never stand still and those moments that bring us such joy become memories in an instant. To capture such a moment and record it forever is truly monumental.” – Joshua Atticks.

Childhood....yeah that golden phase that you keep missing for lifetime. Childhood, when love is at purest form and life is blessed with it. Childhood that is full of dolls, smiles and only tension was how to skip homework and not get caught. Childhood, which has my loved ones- Chand mama, nani and all around. 

Childhood spells many memories to me and this picture speaks of few. So when Blogadda came up with this theme WoW for this weekend, I couldn't stop but pen down one of my own despite hectic schedule, burning the mid night oil, fueling few words out from "still there" fond memories.

This picture was taken on the Bhai dooj day (a Hindu festival celebrated a day after Diwali, where sisters pampers their brothers with love blessings and needless to say lavish gifts. Bhai Dooj is also known as "Chowki Chanda" and "Bhai pata" in bengal) and the stool I am sitting on.....ahem that's me on stool :)

So, it was Bhaiya Dooj at Nani's house. Like I mentioned in the bracket above, in this auspicious day, sisters puts a rangoli on the floor and put a wooden stool on it (all under the moon). Then they make brothers sit on top of it covering their heads with kerchief. The sisters then put tikka/tilak on brother's forehead, takes an oil diya on plate and do aarti and feed him sweets.Sisters do this ritual for brother's long life and well being. 

I was the youngest one at my Nani house, adored by 3 mamas (mother's brothers). In absence of my mom and benovalence of my uncles, I used to do all such rituals along with my young aunt who used to stay with us that time. This picture was taken post all those rituals when my Nani made me sit on the stool and go through the same (just to make me feel special and have a taste of the rituals). Ah that was such a day. More I talk about it, more nostalgic I get. I am holding two of my special dolls with me. One, the legendary "Japanese- crying/ laughing doll" and other a rare looking pet doll that my eldest mama- Chand mama got for me. I was such a sensitive being that I never left my dolls (esp favorite ones) behind me and use to tag with me everywhere. So this Pooja was perform,ed for me as well for them too.

Why this picture special to me? Well it gives me glimpse of lot of childhood memories associated. How? Look carefully, you will see a TV in background- That's India's first television EC TV which use to come in wooden shutter case. Beneath it are my school books, all neatly tagged and placed in an order.From my frock (bought exclusively for me ensuring no copies are available in town) to my dolls to the pin used in my hair, my little plastic bangleseverything has a distinctive story, a special memory associated with it. Ah those lovely days. I wish I can bring them back. I wish I can bring people associated with it back. I miss them sooo much.

Look carefully, you will see few teeth missing too...well that too have a story....Later! Ciaos!

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. Too short compared to your other posts .. wrote it in a hurry didn't you ? :P

    Also check out my entry ...

    1. Yup Ankit. It was actually-

      1. I got overwhelmed thinking about the day and then people and all that I stopped writing
      2. I was in hurry and emotional about it.

      What I wrote is not expressed the way I wanted to but never time :)

      Checked ur entry! Cool..

    2. Read your updated version ... WoW .. \m/
      Mujhe apni nani-mammi ki yaad aa gayi :')

    3. Thanks Ankit. I am glad u liked it :)

  2. You were a cute girl. Turned into a beautiful woman.

  3. Childhood days are always memorable and adorable....

    1. Yes Hari, they indeed are. Miss them soooo much!

  4. Waiting for the story of the missing teeth :-P

  5. A very sweet post Ekta. I have always loved your smile and that twinkle in your eyes, never got to tell you but the same I see in this picture too.Please don't change for the world :-)

    BTW, read a few posts of your's lately and I have been loving them.

    1. Thanks so much Sangeeta! That's such a sweet gesture. I echo the same thoughts. We see each other quite a lot of time but somehow couldn't talk much. Let's catch up soon :)

  6. Childhood days are priceless...good one!

  7. A beautiful reminder of our childhood days!

  8. Careless ,Carefree wonder years of life !!Felt nostalgic reading the post and adore the picture,its such a sweet one!!

    Following you Ekta :-))

    1. Thanks so much Lipsy! Pleasure to connect with you. Keep writing :)

  9. that's a lovely story. we always want to relive those moments. it was a wonderful read. apologies for being here late.

    1. No problem debajyoti...I am glad that you liked it and love to have you here! Take care :)

  10. A picture speaks a thousand words indeed!! So many special memories in a photograph... This post took me down the memory lane...

    1. Thanks soo much Reshma. I am glad you liked it :)

      Do share your memories too.


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