My Fair Lad errr Lady!!!

Run an eye through the matrimonial column of any Newspaper- Wanted Bride- Fair complexion comes screaming at you…

Run a finger around Television remote and the TVCs on “I am fair; I am lovely” comes flooding in your screen

We Indians nurture a great fixation with fairness. No matter the internal beauty, our ‘dark knights” are ever intrigued with fair skinned glories…

If you are a wannabe model, Indian idol, actress, dancer or even a cricket commentator, and you have a complexion which doesn’t read as fair? Then your ambitions are reduced to the significance of black tea served at local Chai stall-Healthy proposition but immaterial!!! Unless one day you get inspired from divas in fairness ad and decide to add magic little whitener into your capability concoction, you will be used only for combating hangovers.

Or else, some lucky you might get starred as in next “dark and dutiful” protagonist of some sitcom where your fair counterpart will win her way to the hero’ heart and you- public sympathy and off course tele-votes.

It doesn’t just boil simmers and sieve down to the female motley. With the sudden emergence of ubercool, metrosexual clan, male brigade is leaving no [pumice] stone unturned to scrub their cheeks off in to the fairness whirlpool. For gone are the days of princess kiss frogs-turn into beautiful prince days. Today they toad their way from “Fairy Tales” to “Fairness tells”!!!

When I first saw the campaign of “Fair and handsome” I mocked it down as the just another stupid product targeted to the mass which will die its natural death in the local saloons. I was so wrong. Unless I saw it in shelf of one of my very charming friend who advocated his cause as a conquest for 'bride hunt' - read fair & beautiful[was he trying to tell me something??!?!?]. Guess, should have rather asked me[am i trying to tell him something???!!?? Naaah]

As per a research by a leading cosmetic company, a major part of the Indian population buys fairness products and surprisingly a lot of them are males. I wonder whether girls should now thanks consumerism for making men conscious about their self appearance or appreciate it for giving them a “way to life, love and professional success”.

But yeah, am still heart broken to see my friend falling prey to fair brigade [gives rise to my already surmounting inferiority complex, where comparitive complexion was a plus point u see]… Now less mortal like me are left with an unkind option to either perish or switch to mot juste!!!


  1. I suppose this is a classic case of "The grass always looks greener on the other side"...While we Indians are obsessed with fairness, the whites (read Americans, Brits, etc) wanna get themselves tanned to the extent of looking dusky...Someone needs to do some kind of a research on how this fairness mania actually got initiated in India..for it has definitely encapsulated a huge segment of the population...including me:)

  2. Anonymous28 February

    Not everyone is as blessed as you lady!!! One girl and her admirers!!! Archiects to engineers.. hahaaa...guess who is this...

    Hint: Another Not-so silent admirer from Arch Block

  3. Thanks Ashutosh and errr Mr. anonymous!!!

    Keep writing.


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