I Dream of...Malaysia

To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia and to love Malaysia is to know Malaysia.

The Spellbinding. awe-inspiring Malaysia- Truly Asia!

Spellbound? Well, that's exactly what #Malaysia and #TourismMalaysia aims to. It aims to "Spellbound" each and every eye that visits this beautiful country, each and every heart that skips a beat for this beautiful place, each and every human being who steps in this glorious, bubbling geography of bustling diversity, towering skyscrapers, rugged mountains, gastronomical paradise. cool highland hideaways, sandy beaches, and rich culture. Yes, it aims to spellbind and successfully achieve the same. Do not believe me? Here are few pictures, help yourself :)

Beautiful, diverse Malaysia - Picture Courtesy: http://www.tourism.gov.my/

If the pictures did not suffice, here are few names that you would like to search about-

Langkawi Island        Kedah      Gunung Mulu National Park

                                  Sarawak               Penang

Looks like, I have managed to win your attention to the beautiful country of Malaysia and it's rich natural, cultural and geographical diversity. Well, I dunno about yours but here I am, with dreams in my heart and hopes in my eyes, so much looking forward to taking a trip to Malaysia- Truly Asia!

So when Team Blogadda, in association with Tourism Malaysia, asked me to write about 5 things that I want to experience in Malaysia, I couldn't help but start dreaming again. Yes, I had never got that opportunity to travel outside India and my last vacation was in the year 1999 December are not just the only reason that the secret tourist and nature lover in me was enticed to dream again, it was also "Destination Malaysia" That gave wings to my dreams. I quickly visited their website [please excuse my ignorance as I have only heard about beautiful travelogues n destination abroad but never got chance to actually travel] and made a list of top 5 things that I want to live [yes], experience in Malaysia- the Truly Asia.

Here's my top 5 wishlist while traveling to a beautiful, paradise-like country- Malaysia. Well they say- talking is cheap, so let me use pictures [including mine with bags packed] to take you along on the fabulous experience I dream of-

1) Experience Beauty of Nature at "Langkawi, Kedah"

This highly popular tourist spot island is a world Geopark by UNESCO. It has astounding geological heritage. which dates back to more than 500 mn years ago. Whoa! That is truly awe-inspiring! I want to reach there by water and sky and relish in nature and it's grandeur.

2) Experience thrill and Entertainment at "Genting Highlands, Penang"

After island, comes the highlands. I cannot tell you how much I have heard of Genting Highlands and being an adventure freak, how much I would love to visit there. I have learned that Outdoor Theme park is temporarily closed and is under renovation for paving way for world's first 20th-century fox theme park. However, other attractions are open and would be a delight to experience.

3) Experience "Underwater" and it's marvel at "Sipadan Island, Sabah"

There is a sea of things that I can do in Malaysia, in those seas of things, one of my favorites is going deep down the sea, under the sea :) Here's more-

4) Experience Heritage & Gastronomical delight at "George Town, Penang"

You can visit as many places as you want to. However, no trip is complete without visiting the ancient and historical side of the place. With me it is imperative to know the place, it's culture and heritage as much as to know it's geography, the area of interest and places to see. In my list of 5 things that I want to experience- next comes- The heritage. Hence George Town. 

4) Experience Majestic at "Petronas Twin Tower- Kuala Lumpur"

If you have gone to Malaysia and not seen "Twin Towers" than trust me, my friend, you have not seen anything. Majestic, giant, August structure of Petronas Twin tower is a living proof of grandeur and splendor at Malaysia.

Well, that was the five things that I want to experience at Malaysia- truly Asia.

The Soul of Asia
Fusion of Diversity and colors
land & sky with jest of life
It is- Malaysia

Sandy beaches and colored watered
Cheering spirits, smiles, and laughter
It is a true land of Fantasia
It is- Malaysia

Of fun, events that engage
cultural richness and heritage
Gourmand delight & Grandiose of Asia
It is- Malaysia

I have given my best and now hoping that my dream of traveling there gets fulfilled soon. Hope Tourism Malaysia you are listening :)

So, what are you waiting for? If you have traveled in mind and confused about the location, let me suggest, give your worry to rest and count on Malaysia to give you that truly enriching experience and world tourism. Take the flight of fancy to next level and book your tickets- NOW!!

Hurry the world is waiting for you!

Fly to Malaysia- Today and experience the difference.
Bon Voyage!


  1. Your-pic-with-every-pic is a quaint new touch... all the best for the contest!

    Arvind Passey

  2. I jinx will surely break Ekta. A lovely post and your photographs look so cute :) Hopefully, you will be standing in front of the monuments and getting pictures clicked this summer. All the best dear...

    1. Inshah Allah! Khushboo..love you for this :)
      BTW, I saw ur posts too..speechless! Very good work.

  3. Nice post... best wishes..

  4. Firstly love your title , reminds me of my favorite show from back in the days.
    Love that I got to see the lady behind the blog ,
    Plus a good ensemble of words and pictures only make it an interesting read.
    All the best !

    1. We all loved it and Thanks for reminding it Disha :)
      Well I stay in Mumbai too and we can meet [btw ur vespa treat is pending too :)]
      Thank you for liking my post :)

  5. Wow! Now I want to go to Malaysia ! All the best may your Jeanie take you to Malaysia soon :)

    1. That would be a wonderful Thing Naba. How much I long for holidays and a trip! :)

  6. Very nicely etched out! All the best!

  7. Very nice post Ekta, Hope u ll b experience all this very soon :) u look beautiful :)
    All the best..

    1. Thanks Bhawya! I am so looking forward to results. I was never lucky with Blogadda team earlier in spite of some real good efforts..lets see what happens this time :)

  8. Loved your post Ekta! And you are great with images now, all the best :)

  9. Excellent post. I love Malaysia. Been to Penang twice and want to go again.

    1. That's wonderful...pl share your pics on your blog "Shoot the Breeze".

  10. Loved the way you intertwined yourself (through pics) into Malaysia. :)

  11. Nice post..All the best :)

  12. Hey Awesome blog...... i think you can submit the same blog here http://bloggernetwork.in/ as well

  13. Malaysia is a nice country for tour and travels see India in film on http://guruofmovie.blogspot.in/


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