with TRESemme Split ends do not StressMe anymore


Dear Diary,

I know we are meeting after a long time. I will make up for all the delay and I know if you learn what kept me away, you will no more be angry but will love me back.

You know the beauty of hair? Well, they are the only thing on your face/body that you can change anytime and get a new look. Do not believe me? Picture this...

scott pilgram vs the world gif

Like all young girls and women of my age, I too had a royal hair lineage and often show off my vintage hairs. Here-

taylor taylor hairdressers gif
I was really proud of my hair and they were my crowning glory wherever I went. Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Chennai, Bangalore, all saloons all hairdressers would compliment on my hair. As time passed I started using different products on hairs from shampoos to the hot iron, blow dryer, colored streaks et all...Change in weather and change in water did it no good either. And Diary, you know how my diet is. 

Don't the Look Pretty Awesome, Dear Diary? 
I wanna grow them Longer
One day I went to this new Saloon in town where they offered to color my hair. I was reluctant first but given their insistence, I relegated and got some temporary stripes like this-

The hair worked wonders and won me many accolades including my cat who gave me such a cute look, like this. Awww she was taken as a surprise...

unbelievable disbelief gif

It boosted my confidence and soon I found new offers for modeling, shoots and even ramp walks coming to me...I could not thank my hair stylist enough for her suggestion.

I could not thank her enough and when she called me to give me new look in town, a la Lucile Belle, I could not resist but went for it. This time she asked me to go for global coloring and a new hairstyle, all in orange. Color? Ok since half the girls of my age and below are going for funky hair color, why can't I?. And a new hairstyle is always welcome. She was my lucky charm anyways. But Orange? She called it "Vintage". Hmm, I gave in to temptations and got my hair colored. 

Here are the new me post color and new hairstyle....

hair inspiration lucille ball gif

Everyone at saloon flaunted my looks. I could not wait to flaunt my new hairstyle and thought to start it with Yum TV, the music channel where I was scheduled for a portfolio shoot. Proudly, I stepped into their office, expecting some warm appreciations but this is what I got-

When someone comes to school with a new haircut. gif, omg, omg gif, wtf, wtf gif, oh  my god, oh my god gif, ugly face, ugly face gif, ugly, ugly gif, oh my, oh my gif, ugh, ugh gif, school, school gif,

Oh My God! What could be worse than this? They canceled my shoot and asked me to change my hairstyle and come later. Appointment will be confirmed later :(

Sob, I went to my home, to see my cat and get some TLC but there she gave me a cold shoulder and when I tried to talk to her, she did this-

 gif, cat, cat gif, cats, cats gif, kitten, kitten gif, kittens, kittens gif, aww, aww gif, cute, cute gif, hi, hi gif,

My heart was broken and I was sad as ever...I dunno what to do..so I approached my stylist, who colored it back though but it became very very messy. She said let's cut it short.

I felt better and waited for my call from the music tv office but in vain. My hair looked sheen and I looked bad. I revisited my Saloon but they made me wait. "Sorry, NO appointment mam. Your hairs are rough and they have split ends. Trim them".

Split ends refused to bulge and took my hair length by length

Oh God, whatever happened "beautiful endings of long hair," I thought and cribbed some more. Saloon appointment took troll on the purse. With broken hair, a broken heart so I had to nurse.

Sade n gloomy, forsaken and lonely. I felt like a sad puppy, puppy-faced :( Even my two pugs called me "Pug-li kahi ki" and refused to look at me. I called them "black & white". That's how I remember who is who. Anyways, back to the point.

 gif, pug, dog, puppy, puppies, dogs, cute, aww, adorable, eyes, wake up, tired,

Split Ends ...Aaarrrrrrrggghhh Not just that, my hair got split end...yeah split ends .. I ran to my barber, week after week, month after month, from start to end. Got my hair chopped, cut and trimmed to combat split ends....split ends did not go but my long hair became short. Snip Snip...Cut Cut.

i'll just trim hair virtually on here gif
Split ends split ends go away

I started losing my assignments and campaigns flopped. I felt like a fish, out of the water, dropped. I tried everything to cure my split ends. From expensive salon treatments to eating weird foods and doing a yoga on my head. My stylist has given up on me, so did my manager who resigned and joined my competition model instead. 

Wherever I go, my hair woes follow. My mother has given up on me too-

When people bitch about mondays. gif, mad men, mad men gif, betty draper, betty draper gif, betty francis, betty francis gif, january jones, january jones gif, deal with it, deal with it gif, dwi, dwi gif, glasses, glasses gif, smoking, smoking gif, monday, monday gif, mondays gif,

I gave up...my life seems to be waste, my assignments, career, relations, everything was at stake. "Split ends, split ends how do I get rid of you? Anything I do, damage my hairs and my purse too."

howl's moving castle stockholm dykes gif

Hair can do this to you, have you ever thought? I realized now that split ends are impossible and could never be resolved. I really need to live with it, deal with it.

It is then a cute actress came on TV screen like the "akaashwani" from sky and said-

black and white beutiful smile gif

Who says that split ends cannot be treated? Do not use ABC products and feel cheated. Say to your hair Use Tressme and do not stress me. Tressme will rescue split ends up to 96% and a 90ml bottle available at Rs 80 and not more.

girl problems hair dye gif

Up to 96% of Split End Rescued... Is it true? Am I Hallucinating? Huh! another marketing Gimmick. I thought..But when tried so much, what is the harm to try one more.

It is then my friends from Indiblogger, gifted me two bottles- white and black. One was shampoo and one was conditioner. Interesting I said. 

Good sense prevailed me and I started using the "TRESemme Split Remedy" that folks from Indiblogger sent me.

I took the shampoo and washed my hair with it and completed the routine with conditioner and rinse off with tepid water. The texture was smooth and the fragrance was mild. It lathered fast and rinsed quietly. 

Ummm..my hair felt good..with every wash, they felt newer, better and softer...wash after wash...after the 3 wash.

You got to see my hairs to believe it..Hair never so soft, smooth and longer... Wait O' world, I am coming, back with BANG!!!

barbara palvin hair coloring gif
I gained my confidence back...Hair never felt so better...Now I style my hair, the way I want to... blow dryers, flashlight...naah, my hair fear none.

My cat loved me back, so did my dogs. They said I look prettier than all. The mirror does not shy me anymore. My hair is long and no snipping anymore. I got new assignments and they were bigger. In the meantime, my hair grew longer. Ah! Silky Surrender, Saloon se bhi Better!

When people ask me if my hair has split ends any more-

miley cyrus hair long miley cyrus hair gif


Well, Dear Diary, that was my hair story...
I worry no split ends,
cause split end is a History!

TRESemme split remedy is available at range of 90ml for Rs 80 [Shampoo and conditioner]
The product like another shampoo from TRESemme is very effective and suitable for all types of hair. The shampoo and the conditioner are packed in black and white bottle respectively, making it easier to find which is fast while shampooing. 

It is mild, it is strong. TRESemme is perfect for a solution to keep my hair long!



  1. Really creative use of pictures with a well written post ,
    Looks ur an animal lover :)

  2. Loved your post Ekta! Someone is going to be the proud owner of a luxury watch :D

    1. Thanks Khushboo, if only the judging process is fair and merit based. seeing the results made me feel stupid about myself. Are we writing for morons to judge us?


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