Review: The "State" of Global Opinion Social Media Network

Opinions...every one has it..Some expresses and some opine to not express. It is altogether a different subject that what is your subject and what is the objective.

For some who has one and want to express, the objective is just expression, there is a diary. However, people who wants their opinion to be heard and heard around the world and take it further by networking with like minded people, not so like minded people and above all people who have opinion on the same!

After all, speaking alone is elocution and not communication. Give your alter ego a break and take the voice from inter alia to online..Give it sound, bytes and make it powerful. After all its only when we hear from everyone, does a more complete picture emerges.

Introducing - A new breakthrough media platform where who you know does not matter but matters is what you think. is a platform that connects people based on their opinions and that to in a quick and fun way. from your favorite ice cream flavor to global warming to Kimye West's Secret wedding to what happened when Bell Hooks called Beyonce a Terrorist, you can read, share and express it all here.

How State works

For all of you with the right side of the brain, here is a simple video to help you understand how this unique platform on-

How to get started on

You can get started using 3, yes 3 quick clicks using your "Facebook" or "twitter" hassle for lengthy registration, no mail verification, no account creation nothing. Simply use your Facebook/Twitter account and get latched on, get tuned in and start expressing.

What it has in for me

You can also congratulate your favorite star Emma Watson wo recently graduated from Brown University and it will indeed reach her, without having to follow her, add as friend or feeling helpless for not being able to express. Yes if opinion counts, expression counts as well.

Tune-in to your favorite topics
From Entertainment, Fashion and the arts, Gaming, Music, Politics and government to Sports, Tech, Travel and lifestyle, Books & Publications, History & Events, Product and Companies, and Religion and can select any of the above topics of your interest and tune into it for discussions related to it. It is purely customization basis and you can "tune-in" or "tune out" any of the fields at any point of time.

Trending Topics
Aha, in each category and as per category "tuned" by you, you can also check all the trending topics in that arena..Aha!

My overall Experience with
The site indeed makes a promising proposition and quite unique in its offer. I understand that it is in nascent stage but one great thing about it is, that it is open to feedback/ suggestions to make this platform more user friendly and enriching.

The "User Interface" is simple and the color layout of White, red and black makes it look neat and easy for your immediate usage. Absolute hassle-free.

I am quite new to "State" and I cannot express my high enthusiasm. I am quite excited to use this platform and going to be a regular on this. How about you? If you have not tuned in yet, tune it today!

How to "State" - using the
It is available on the web and also at iOS AppStore!
Android users, do not loose your heart, it is coming soon on Google Play store too.

Stay "Tuned" and "state" what's in your mind.

You can follow me at "State" and participate in my discussions. The current topics that is active on my "initiated discussions" are-
1) Smriti Irani as HRD Minister
2) Pairing of food and drinks- My idea of pairing white cheese pasta with Black Dog TGR Whisky.

This review is a part of the product review programme by about State.


  1. Seems cool...but have my hands full with enough social media networking. :) Nice review.

    1. :) You never know if this replaces them soon and get you aching for more :)


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