
Image Courtesy- The Mag
He caught in his own stereotype
Of clicking thing all black and white
In his attempt to become even bold
He snapped himself and framed in Gold

Shutterbugs tried to make him smile
he dismissed them all, calling it futile
He was not what he claimed to be
He was too much in hos own being

He nurtured the cats all the while
the selfish feline was not worthwhile
she pissed alarm and  scratched his arm
making his "picture" look hostile

Like all good things comes to an end
time slips like molten sand,
he too lies somewhere in history,
mortal, buried and framed.

This short poem is in response to picture prompt by the endearing team of- Magpietale. Hope you liked my take. If you think it has a reference, the answer is yes, indeed but there is sarcasm too. Enjoy reading NumeroUnity.
If you like my post, do vote for me- Ekta Khetan at-
using your facebook account. Thanks.


  1. Ekta... this whole poem rhymes so well!!i soo enjoyed reading this!!

    1. That's lovely, glad you liked it :)

  2. I like your play on words with framed...nice...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. For a change someone actually liked him and the cat was the baddy . . . . lol

    Loved the regular rhyme throughout.
    Loved your write ~ Eddie

    Clouds and Silvery Linings

  5. very well written and understood

  6. impressive! hope you win.

    1. This ain't any contests sweetheart... Just a picture prompt :)
      I am glad that you liked it!


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